Saturday 19 December 2009

with me or am I talking Crap

HO HO HO !!!!!!!
Whats all this bulloxs from the UK gov... Don't let ya kids drink booze , they think its a bad thing to let your kids av a drink of booze as it will make them turn to it!!!  ya avin a laugh again you ponsed up pathetic minority of do gooders... get a life , try living in the real world with the rest of the humans on this planet for once...
Look how many humans share a glass of wine with a meal in France and other countrys...
If you make stupid laws and use out of date laws 1800's and such and then never follow through with the law then you should look at yourselves....
Nothing wrong in let the kids have a small glass with food... when I say kids I'm talking about kids over 11 ... The law states you must be over 18 to drink booze OK, but a tipple with the family wont hurt may even get them to respect it....
But if you got some parent who gets pissed up in front of the kids and just don't care if the kid gets pissed or not THEN THAT is where laws should kick in and be used.. not slap on the wrist.....PUNISH THEM!!!!!

Byjingo the adults cant even use the drug ( thats what it is) without fights and trouble and you do nothing about it nothing!!!!!
All these problems where laws are broken make the system look like a farce... and you MP'S are the problem... the public would love it if you punished humans that go against the may even gain some respect, of which many of you now have none!!!!!!!!
Get tough on it before it all goes tits up and law becomes a thing of the past!!!!!!

Take the 3 guys who shot the young guy they get life in a Holiday camp, not my type of Holiday camp but to the scum who end up in it , thats just what it is!!! and Life..not 34 years.......Im so fed up with all this bulloxs thinking about it WHY should a tax payer keep them anyway, they went against the law it would be wiser to get rid of them with an injection and use the tax payers money to good use in the NHS to help save the lives of good humans...would it not????????

I think I will put a poll on here and ask the rest of the humans that look on here to vote am I talking crap or do they back me up!!!!!!
Let's see!!!   on this page I will set up a poll ...please let me know what you guys think!!!  THANK YOU..

Thursday 10 December 2009

They never learn do they?????

Pre budget my arse!!!!!  Byjingo ....what do they take us all for???? ohhhh great Bingo tax , boiler trade in deals!!!!  some benefits up....then down again a year or so later, well as soon as the ELECTION is over.... THAT'S what most of it is about....Then the day after the MP'S EXPENSES are out and your number one man had his summer house (£500) painted...but its OK now he paid the money back......

These shiats need a shock!!!!!  How good would it be if the old Election comes along and BYJINGO    nobody voted!!!!!!!  Do ya think they would get the message then????????  I doubt it , as long as they keep all this old traditional ways of governing the country and 100's of year old laws still remain things will never change ........

Right now thats out the way ......   here comes Xmas!!!!!!!   ohhhhhhh!!!! right!!!!
OK now that will soon be out the way let's see what the new year brings us all..... peace on earth and goodwill to all men......LOL!!!!!!!   yea !! sure it will......  as he loads up his nuclear war head!!!!

The smell of snow seems to be about as we speak , the old USA are having a bad time in places with it and the weather man told me it going to get cold and we could be in the snow also before Xmas!!!  now that could be fun... but then again  with all the years past and lessons learned about the snow and roads this year we should have no problems....   unless we get more than 2mm then the country will be in shiaty street again I bet!!!!!!!

What a planet this is!!!!  Now don't yall forget to put the mince pie and a drink for Santa and something for the old red nose  Rudolf to eat .... by the way Rudolf ain't no relative of Adolf ..that was just a rumour.....
Old Santa got a lot a work to do me how the heck he gets the job done but Santa is magical and gets the job done well...........   Now don't forget if those nasty people who say Santa ain't real pop up again , what the heck do they know?????  they spend most of the time going to church to worship  an idol...pffffttttt!! thought you were told not to do that?????  and then they tell us Santa ain't real!!!!!!!!!!
HO HO HO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great time me old Playmates and lets see what next year brings us all.............  tin hats ?

Saturday 5 December 2009

only a million bonus?

Now now vicar I keep telling you this global warming is nowt to do with man...byjingo..its all down to mother nature..the humans make me almost fill me incontinence pants to bursting point , I laugh that much... byjove old chaps OK so you get your data from 100 an odd years of records...errrrrrr!!! hate to point this out old sons but this little speck of a planet has been around a lot more than you know!!!!!!

Still if it keeps ya all happy, who am I to tell ya the truth , she , that's mother nature , will show you in the mess too much with her and she will bite ya back!!!!

Hold on Matrons on her way around with the drugs trolley again, I'm supposed to be asleep..... ahhhh thats OK coast clear!!!!

Talking of hospitals...they are now telling us in the UK more deaths are caused by blood clots than by MRSA ... thats after you had an operation in one of our hospitals..great news for anyone due to go in for an op, Byjingo you silly sods....
Some golf player plays away from home and thats not golf he be playing, well I say it could be a hole in one!!!! anyway he has a crash in a car and it makes news allover the world!!!! who cares !!! not many apart from the sad old sods who love and live for gossip and rumour... will you never get your priority's right?

Tis almost Xmas again and the old rush around the shops and fill ya houses with food and goods is on....most shops only close for one day now you mad humans ..slow down and think... then again ...can humans think?

Now those British Bankers who now run the top banks , owned by and saved from going bust by the British taxpayer are going to resign if they don't get the million pound bonus at the end of a year....well !!!!  what do we say to them ?     * ECK OFF!!! THEN!!!!!   greedy bastardos!!!!!!

Wednesday 25 November 2009

ME NUT'S ??????

Byjino me old chaps..what...not now vicar ...matrons gone away for the day so I have let all inmates out for the day... I also swapped all medication for sweets its about time we had a treat, I say , rather me old boy.....
Now inmates are going around the wards saying that I'm not quite 100% human...well I ain't got nothing to hide so whats new?

Some of the readers here seem to think I may be slightly nut's ..well ...LET ME TELL YOU!!!!!! I am 100% nut's....
Now as I love the old photography thing I thought I may start downloading some crazy images here so I will dig some out of the pit and see what I can come up with but be warned you may never sleep again!!!!!!

Not had a listen to any news items for a while so I ain't got much to moan about...yet!!! but lets see what comes up next no no bishop not that!!!! SLAP!!!!!

well must dash for now, not had much to say me old beans as I am getting over a kidney infection ..had it for ages but done nowt about it till last week now it seems to be getting better after the I'm starting to get back to normal again...LOL..ME...NORMAL!!!!!!!!!
cya soon playmates
tallyho... lookout vicar ME at 10 o'clock man the AA gun!!!!!!

Sunday 15 November 2009

NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!

New blog on photography .....

Thank's for your support!!!!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Full of S**T

Byjingo ...dont they just make ya blood preasure rise...mind you at this time mines a bit low so aint a bad thing for this where was I ..ahhhh!!!! yes ..BANKS.. yep watch and read the media and looks like things aint so bad..they all seem to be clearing those large bad debts they had....WHY ON EARTH WONT THEY TELL THE TRUTH, who they trying to kid?????
If you look a little deeper and ask a few questions , how many of these large banks have pushed the debts off to tax haven places and made out they have cleared them , when all they have done is a new company run by the bank's in the first place...cleared debts my arse...most of em are owned by the tax payer now with all the cash they have been given!!!!!!!
on the subject of photography come so many photographers offer , workshops.. simplzzzzzzz !!! they aint making money from the photography sales so they all seem to be cloning into car sales people ... and making money from just talking about photography and not going out shooting images....

The old human race seems to be getting full of humans that just BULLSHIT the way through life...take CV's ...forget em ..most of what is on em is crap...
then people are told you need exam results...CRAP.. another way for others to make money out of ya.... WAKE UP!!!!!! smell the coffe.... the way this is all going humans will just be in a box , never moving from a screen and in the process loosing the truth and joy of being a's a shame ain't it..... bloody greed strikes again!!!!!

Saturday 7 November 2009


This post is a little different, a little more than just a post....
I feel strongly about all the humans killed in wars and troubles around the planet and thought i would just post this to make whoever reads my blog may feel the same as me.....

I have no religious faith and believe many others are of the same thoughts as me....
But if you do have a faith then that is your free choice in life... once a year massive media coverage on one day to remember the lost .... but lost they are not,each lost soul has a place in someones heart and remains with them forever, every day, every hour.
It's now the 21st century and still humans have wars and I the only one on this planet that has a dream of no more!!!! I doubt it..... but our voices are never heard or if they are, just ignored....and yet every human I should imagine would like to live a full and peacefull life..... maybe oneday it may happen... maybe!!!

So to all the lost souls on this planet I raise my hat and bow my head in shame at the human race....and will always remember those who have gone before.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Meanwhile back in his cell.....

Morning Matron...whats for breakfast today? ...oh great another medication!!!
It's about time I swithched on the Zogonian news reporting machine..Ill just put some more coal in the boiler to build up the old steam preasure.....
AHHHHH!!!! that's better.. now whats this here... oh I say, Byjingo a report about MP'S and the stolen cash...Hmmmmmmm!!! looks like they get off lightly again but wait I see that they are upset that they will loose some of the fraudulent ways in which to steal tax payers cash....Well!! good job I aint in charge me old trouts , as you would find yaselves locked up and key thrown away...YOU were voted in by the people of this country..LOL..voted...LOL OK by a few people of this country because the rest of em do not vote!!! Why?? Dont be so stupid, for years the people have come to know about ya fiddles and the fact that many of you dont give a toss about them once you walk accross the Westminster threshold...dont you then get ya pennssion once you walk accross those steps?????
Not to mention all the directorships and back handers from large companys...LOL
I overheard old Nick Clogg say that it should all be sorted before the next election else voters wont trust...WELL YOU STUPID MAN....MOST VOTERS DONT TRUST AND HAVE NEVER TRUSTED AND DONT EVEN VOTE .....WHY?? Because of these reasons the way you MP's act and speak...always arond subjects never direct answers!!!!!!!

We lost some more soldiers in afganistan again...but you still try to go ahead and buy your way to peace with cash....fools go out and fight or send your sons and daughters out on the ya dont!!!
Doing it to protect us all back in the UK??? How many afganistans stop to think about all the poor ..yes!!! POOR people in the UK and think of ways they can help...well not many I bet...yep!! its not nice to see the old Taliban treating the people the way they do..but get a life ..thats the culture they have lived with for many years its not our right to sort them out....GET BACK AND SORT OUT THE UK FIRST!!! Byjingo we have all sorts of problems here !!!!

Now talking of which..the banks and large corporate bussinesses seem to get so much tax payers cash to keep them going..OK so if they go under ...lets say a motor company..people will loose jobs thats life..Things seem to have gone way out of controll reguards money...How on earth with all the huge cash loans these companys get in this day and age how can they ever pay the cash back..YET the account books come up with proffits still however large or small????? and wage bills are massive so cost of goods go up through ya roof....Byjove,what a crazy human mess!!!!!BUT all the top of the tree still live and prosper the little guys just go under and who cares????
They can always be replaced....what a sad and sorry sytstem you have created guys!!!! arse!!! in the UK we have no industry...what happend?? in the 1970's large industry was still using machines that were around during the second world war...NO investment in new technologys... to me thats where it all started to go wrong...
And just who the hell do I thimk I am saying all these things.. well Im nobody.I have no major qualifications , cant even spell without me many of you are the same ?? but wont addmitt!!! no university nowt ...just sheer hard work when i left school and the sense to take note of what was going on in life ... OHHHH what I would give to be put infront of some of the top people in this planet and ask questions....but would I hear the truth...I think not!!! Today we have nowt ..just mainnly service industries.. wow big deal..what happend to Great Britain and Industrial revoloutions...simplezzz and me merecat says... we gave it all away..we sold our souls for cash!!!!!!!!

They blame man for climate change...they warn the end is nigh..IF IT'S so bad then howcome you still have air travell, formula one motor racing, not many electric cars , the spending and waste of so much cash on things that will not help humans in the end?????? I GOT SOME NEWS FOR YOU GUYS!!!!! oneday the old planet will die, when ?? GAWD knows could be millions of years from now,but it will happen and all of mans PROGRESS will be for nothing!!!! apart from the few that go out to another planet and start again!!!!!!

Man has never kept recors of weather changes or climate I should say, and in my few years on the planet I have found things go around and around... in fashion ..out of fashion...good for ya , bad for ya!!!

Sunday 1 November 2009

hide the truth ?

Many, well those of you who have followed this rubbish I thank those who have just found this strange blog , i think i need to explain who DREADZEPS is....Human, well no...Alien, could be.... mutant ... for sure!!! sane, no way but perhaps that's what keeps me going?

Born 1958 , my mother had a miscarriage prior to this but it was what they called a mole in those days in the 1950's... my father was in the Korean war and whilst doing his bit was sent to Japan for some rest and recoup r'n'r ... he went to look around Hiroshima..hmmmm!!!! If you do a little research you will find out...not easy but you will find details how after the bomb was dropped and the USA were called in and built a base nearby how they could not get out fast enough as soon as the Brits and Australians arrived...hmmm!! wonder why??

Anyway any info you can find out the more the plot thickens and gets hidden by the authorities especially British MOD.... right up to date the truth as never come out and i doubt that it will until years to come when all those that could try to make a claim have died and no relatives even realise their roots were involved.....

I have suffered from ill health since I can remember, sure I had a great and fun life but as time goes on my health goes down the pan...I have been sent to university in oxford for tests and all hospitals in the west midlands and even at the start my parents paid for me to go to Harley street...all to no avail... my bone density gets very low sometimes to the point where bones and joints just break up... but then over time reform again... Kidney stones... if i could polish em up and sell em as jewellery i could make a fortune.. currently have them in both kidneys...OK so go get em out and get on with life, easy said than done, as i just keep producing them so get em out and back they come... you get to the point where you can't take all the hassle and prodding and tubes pushed in and out of ya.....

I know I have gone into this many times and many will think ..OH Christ here we go again..but not only does these things create physical pain and problems.... mental problems also come as part of the package IE depression ... pull yaself together .. easy said than done ...treat with drugs!!! easy answer, but even then that creates problems to the point where you don't worry or care about anything, now that does bother me!!!! so back off the drugs and find a balance but drugs to control ya moods and thought cant be a good thing can it???

now back to Korea... more tea vicar ..... i approached my endocrinologist to ask if i could have a DNA test... seen the top people in my area about it told em my fears and was told no that cant be the problem as radiation would get back to normal for my father after a few years and his DNA would not be effected...but cant be 100% OK so give me a DNA test... no way ain't going to happen...wonder why?????

And now you newbies know a little bit more to the reason why I'm not quite in the box as you humans are.
I find it hard to live a 'NORMAL' daily life as its always up and down with aches and pains and thoughts... I have taken photography to my heart , when I can get out and about to shoot, I think it makes you look at life and nature in more detail..more humans should take in more detail of what is around them instead of just taking all for granted.....maybe then the humans would get on a little better than they do now!!!!!!!

Sorry to those who have read all this before but thought it was time to let others try to understand the mind of a mutant alien from the Planet Zog...... thanks for reading AND PLEASE I would love some feedback from you guy's's lonley here in planet Blog........

Monday 26 October 2009

I can take it !!!!

Byjingo you humans... all I have been trying to get is some sort of critic on my images in flickr...easy said than done me thinks.... anyone who put stuff up for critic must take the kicks and the punches... I feel you can only learn things from feedback from humans...if you do a stage play and do the best marketing job in the world to get bums on seats...if the play is rubbish you find out by no bums and loads of empty seats.... but also you may get a review and if the critic don't like it and tells everyone else ...well you at least have an idea what the problems are.... but getting little critic and not pulling the punches you can never find out if your doing a good job or where you can improve!!!!!!
I get people viewing but not many comments even though i ask ...strange me thinks...
Now I know I don't shoot many images that's my problem but cant always feel 100% to go out and shoot or even set up stuff in house ... I thought that by getting some sort of comments good,bad or just plain ugly would help me to fire up my motivation...

I just love photography and am trying more to think out of the box to produce work that's a little different ..... most of my images are of good old mother nature and her free show for all of us to see, it makes me smile talking to people who still walk about with eyes closed and not at all interested in what she has in store for us....
I looked at wedding photography and some of the work out in the image world and found quite a lot is really not that good but the poor old punter does not see things the same as those who love looking through the lens... and pay a fortune ... people say why don't you try this or that and i get fed up of trying to tell em its hard enough to get out of bed and feel good everyday let alone be booked up for a date to do a shoot and find out that the day of the shoot I'm too ill to do it...that type of living would get you a bad name for sure and that's not how i live my life..... its bad enough i cant book a holiday or anything like that but trying to explain this to humans is a waste of my alien breathe..... until these people realise just how life is different for those who have poor health its easy just to say things but its a different story to be living that way....
for the last 3 years now i have been teaching myself photography and get my kit its not a cheap hobby to get involved in....that's for sure...
but its given me some great times and opened up my mind to many things and ways at looking at the world.... its also not that easy to get humans to model for ya either , friends or family ... but I'm working on that one.... short an sweet this one..take care...

Monday 12 October 2009

Humans .....I shit em!!!!!!!!!!!

I say ....what??? byjingo... strange things humans !!! as some of you know I have a passion for photography but cant always get out to shoot,but what a scam this weekend was ... byjove if you go out in the UK with a camera and a tripod chances are you will be asked ... what are you doing and why by the looks like a rocket launcher brigade of paranoia.... well all I have to say at this time to those security forces is , what the feck av ya nothing better to do as it seems that if you walk around as a group with ladders..big ladders in the London area ..well House of Parliament or the place where you get a job to look after the public but really just spend all tax payers money ..and in real life commit fraud , you can get away with it!!!! but I digress...walk with huge ladders climb onto the roof of said building and not even get stopped!!!!!! com on you shits... security me arse!!!!! but a photographer ..easy kill, eh !!! this paranoia is going beyond a joke now !!! I bet no heads roll for that little stunt... only those who pulled it and not those who should have protected the building!!!!!!!!

Anyway ..that's life .. we village idiots have no power or say on things ...just do as we be told...and live in ya little box...... I'm sure ye old French humans would make the voices heard !!! for sure byjingo !!!
Things in planet Jingo not going well... I was going to close this all down as I have more on my plate than I can cope with to be honest... and many of you know that I am just that ... honest!! a thing that as I have grown older have found out to be my downfall indeed!!!!!
It may be time for this old mutant alien to just shut up shop and return to the Planet Jingo and not bother with the human race... it seems even your loved ones can shit on ya !!!
So over the next week or so I may just vanish from this planet and just move around in human form and stop the Alien from speaking the truth ... as it seems humans cant face the truth of life in most cases... the human brain cant handle GUILT ... it eats away at the mind of those that carry Guilt around with them, they cant hide from it as it was created by themselves in the first place.... so I will have a think about all this and see how things develop.... without a darkroom!!!
maybe a padded cell again and a nice tight fitting jacket!!!!!
Take care for now me old Playmates..
old mutant alien

Saturday 26 September 2009

whatever happend ?????

Great Britain.... well I'm sad to say I don't think it is now !!! Whilst driving through some streets and areas in Birmingham... once the place of the industrial revolution forefathers , I noticed ... well no that's wrong !!! I was smacked in the eye by the changes around that have slowly crept upon this once great and proud land.....
Women used to use cardinal red polish on the front door steps, windows were clean and so were the streets.... alas .. not now !!
Industry has vanished, OK so the smoke and grime from the large factories is not missed or the fact that those beside the canals and rivers cant pour poisons into them .. good point !!!
But its not just that side of English life that has changed byjingo !!! now you can drive down streets and roads , high streets with shops or lack of now!!! Let's face it me old playmates, you could be driving in a foreign country !!!! it's so true !!! and with this the English culture has changed ..... now I'm all for multicultural as a mutant alien I try and fit in and that's where I can see the problem others are not even trying just converting the areas to match where they originate from .... not good ... NO NO NO !!! vicar I'm not a racist... I have many friends from all over the planet and treat em as i would like to be treated myself so dont pull that card out the hat !!!!!

The proof is here just go out and see for yourself.... I even see places flying the UK flag and its all torn and tatty !!! where is the pride !!!!!
Now when I came here to find old uncle Gawd I was told that all humans were from the same DNA .. so I thought it would be one big happy family.....wrong !!! People say that I'm a strange mutant with some rather strange thought , maybe!!! I just feel its a shame that a country can loose its traditional ID and ways ... buried like a pot of gold by the old Anglo Saxon before he strolled into a new town.......

Sunday 13 September 2009

what is it good for !!!!!!!!!!

Hello me old playmates...not a lot going on really!!!!!!!
Apart from government thinking of giving money to the Taliban!!! to make em think about changing.... byjingo that sound a good idea..... LOL!!!!
Now if all this stuff was going on in planet Zog we would not stand for all this crap..... But and a big but.... west blame terrorism and that's whats going on , but how come when terror was on the old UK with the IRA and such, did they sort that did they heck as !!!! Then again..... are not some of the Irish members of government ex terrorists??????? so we also pay them!!!!!!!

Then you get some guy who gets free from jail after blowing up 100's of people in the air .... hmmmmm !!! all stinks to me here... a lot more than meets the eye.... Let's face it if our own MP'S can rip off the tax payers...the people who gave them the job!!!!! Who will ever believe what MP's say......

This is a worldwide problem on this planet... byjingo corruption is what we call it on Zog and byjove humans do anything for cash........
Back to Afghanistan ... who was it that created and helped these so called terrorists...... YEP!!!! the west !!!! to fight against the USSR ... weapons and cash and training......
And when the UN did an air strike and 69 or so Taliban died and 39 or so civilian's ... OMG !!!! how many civilians died in the second world war ? War is war nothing more nothing less and war means killing ..... humans.... men ,women and children.......
If your country supplies weapons , which many do , it's a big money making thing you know!!!!!
then wars and death will be here forever..... OK you could stop production of weapons and live in peace but that's all a dream and will never work... you can't make cash from peace!!!!!!!!!

So as you see not a lot going on here at the mo ... but maybe soon something may light a spark in me brain cell and I may well put pen to paper, well p.c.

Must dash the vicar is just about to enter the Bishop's room , they say they are only playing poker, I can't see no harm it that.................... !

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Get it right!!!!!!!!!!

Byjingo !!!! me old Playmates...... I say ... what!!!!!!
where do we start on this one or two ? Well looks like poor old Jako was taking more medication than me!!! Its kind of strange he was a few days younger than me ... maybe all strange people born in August? ...Anyway..I have always stated...byjingo...not one human on this planet earth or even on Planet Jingo know what happens when you take a cocktail of drugs ... that's the ones the doctor prescribes for ya.... believe me i know!!!!!!!!!
Rushed into a crash room months ago due to one drug not getting on with another...out like a light and out for hours.....I was lucky they got me back....LOL ... back to what!!!!! maybe I wasn't...LOL

It seems the old cattle are coming in for a slap ...producing way too much methane...byjove I'm glad whoever did the research has never been around my hose......
Ive told you all before ...its down to mother nature whats going on around this planet... man can try to control what mother nature has in store for ya!!!!
Some may know how much I love and in fact have a passion for photography, but it seems to be getting way out of the old political correctness madness!!! cant shoot in the streets in the UK without someone thinking your up to no good, shooting kids playing or police is a sure no no ...
NO no no vicar with a camera, SLAP!!!!!
Zogonians don't create war or fighting..... well unless ya punch me on the nose and then you will never forget that time!!!!!!

Talking of war ....... what a waste of life.... OK , so you must make a stand sometimes but byjingo most of the wars are over religion or cash !!!! Ban cigarettes or try as they now come telling you they kill... treat smokers like ...ahhhhhhh!!! a cigarette !!!! stamp on em!!!! HOLD ON !!!!!!
I smoke , cough, cough, spit !!! But the sales of guns goes on and on... hmmmmmm !!! priority's !!

In UK , ban knifes they kill..... NO ..... NO ....NO.... its the idiot who uses the knife that's the problem...what about cars??? ban them ? they kill, so can an ash tray or house brick....
OK then they send em to prison .... LOL...whatever happened to the slop bucket? NO they shout ...they Will be taught a trade and become good people when they get out!!!!!!!
LOL...stop I'm pissing myself laughing here!!!!!
They do a crime so should be punished not helped...sod that ...they did whatever , then they should pay.....
One case the bomber in Scotland.... let him go to a hero's welcome home... well he is going to die they say..... so what... what about the people on the plane who were 100% healthy they just got blown to bits with no thought of what a bomb in the plane was going to do ...Your criminal systems on this planet stink!!!!!!

Back to the wars .... why should the west..who just love cash and greed.. try to make the rest of this planet run the same way as themselves ??? Byjingo!!! they cant even run the system smooth in their own backyard!!!!! Leave others alone and sort ya own garden out first!!!!!!
The planet has many different cultures and that's just it , many go back for many years so just let em do it the way they have for all time.......GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! so go look at your old laws...get rid... bring in modern and 21st Century laws in to action, but alas this will never happen....

Why they doing space travel.... well they need another planet but i bet you don't get to see it.... They know one day... this little old planet is going to go bang...its just when is the problem and byjingo you humans will never know when...its up to mother nature....
well Tallyho.....I'm off to build me spaceship......................... ciao!!

Friday 21 August 2009

still here

I say me old beans !!!! just a quick old post to let ya know i'm still about but me mojo lost in the post , so to speak to coin a phrase...... the old Zogonian info machine not working so not a lot to say at the mo.....
as soon as i can find it i will be back .... take care me old humans... don't hold ya breath!!!!!!!!!!
Tallyho !!!!!!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Planet Dread

Another day in Planet Jingo!!!! All well and dandy here byjingo, what...... seems like little old planet Earth has a few problems.... just a few I hear ya shout !!!!!!!
In UK good old chicken back on the media's eye...... we all know they inject water into it at the processing stage but animal protean .... so that the water stays in , thus plump up the chicken ...yuk!!!!! so if its going on in the UK then byjingo the rest of ya prob got same problem...well no problem from the guy selling the stuff ..he laff's all the way to the bank!!!!!
So if they use beef and pork protean in the chicken how do the guys who should not eat beef or pork stand??????? byjingo what about religious beliefs????? ohhhh dear me seems you have a problem Houston.....

Swine flu .... well its out of control in the UK now... stay at home and treat yaself they tell ya...yes we would if we know we got it.... LOL... the tabs they issue are only any good if you use within a few days of finding out ya got the bloody thing!!!!! mass injections!!!! oh yep!! you poison us with food additives and stuff in the tap water so why not ... just jab me and we will see what the outcome is down the road i suppose as with all the great ideas for health issues..... byjove its bad enough having a cocktail of drugs from your doctor and they ain't got a clue what they all do when mixed as a daily dose ...OK may help your illness but most then give ya side effects...but that's cool just pop another drug to combat that!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!

I even had one health consultant prescribe be a drug to help my bone till i got in touch with the manufacturer of said drug to find that it was never tested on males!!!!! and can give ya a problem with ya oesophagus,,,, Oh that's fine then doc ... ill take it no probs for you its me that's the guinea pig is it not ?

wonder why the most richest people on the planet Earth are pharmaceutical people???? hmmm!

Now I know that I don't get that many humans taking a look at all this rubbish i put here but byjingo... I would never go to other humans blogs or forums to create trouble and get em to look at my stuff here..... but its a sad fact that this seems to go on... sad little old humans ... with sad little lives and nothing going on with it who create forums/ sites and get very few humans to join in with em...... Laff ... i could fill me incontinence pants i laff so much at em !!!!! Just because they cant be successful at what they try and do in the life time they have... go and spoil it all ...well try ..others just understand what a pain in the ass these people are..... and how they are so sad and lonely to go to such depths .........

My legal eagles are looking at one such problem i have had but I'm told cant say much on the matter as it looks like it may well go to court..... wonder if i will have to wear a lord!!!!!!
I will let you guys know how that develops and maybe i may be able to tell the whole story, we shall see............

Not too happy with this ...orphan thing going on in the USA... to do with photography and copyrights and intellectual property rights.... that needs a good sorting out for sure, why should togs loose rights to something they create...that just ain't playing ball at all..... but then again do governments play ball with the people who put em in power in the first place?????

well must dash me old playmates .....the motheship is due anytime now and im off to planet DREAD ..... byjingo a nasty place but you do get some bargains in the dna shop..... ta ta for now!!! Tallyho!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Mild or Bitter ???

See me old humans... I told ya all about the M.P's ages ago, the old bank and corruption , well byjingo!!! what's around the corner next ?????
Doing a bit of Zogonian testing... hmmmmmm!!!!! I wonder..... was it not way back when you all were told DONT EAT the old t-bone or meat near the spine ... hmmmm whatever happened to that scare OR was it a scare?
Enter dementia .... seems a lot more cases these days eh? I wonder!!!!!!!!! they did say the old mad cow would take years to show itself did they not ?

Seems humans live a lot longer these days ...OK that's cool... why not ... did humans not live for hundreds of years a way back in time.... byjingo!!!! that's what the holly book says ... does it not...
But as I'm not human and not in great health does not the quality of life come into the story somewhere?
I for one will not be .. or at least I don't wish to be here in my 90's and totally dependent on others. Seems to me the old value of family looking after and caring for others seems to be a thing of the past....... sad ain't it ?

It's now getting to the point where grandparents will be given a benefit to look after the grandchildren whilst parent goes out to work or out for a pint.... hmmmm!!!! times are a changing!!!!!!
But how sad that the old grandparent even now feels that a cuddle or hug and a kiss makes em feel like a criminal!!!!!!!! It should be time to stand up to all this crap and voice's should be heard and listened too , but alas it's too late..... it's here and it's getting worse... WHO TO BLAME...... I guess humans ... lets face it moan and groan about this and that and do not a thing to put a stop to it......
Byjingo... in the old Planet Zog , rules were rules and if you broke em you paid for it... no prison, no excuse for someone going against the rules of a peaceful life and whats more no keeping them by the law abiding by paying taxes and keeping them in a good way of life... IE , food , medical treatment and such ..... no no no all that cash was spent on the good guys for health and leisure.. why not they never broke the rules... bitter , ???? me ??? YOU BET... me and thousands of others or maybe it's just me?

Thursday 11 June 2009

will Techno gadgets destroy us????

Byjingo....Vicar put that back in ya trousers me old son..... now where was I ...ahhh!!!!! yes.... not destroy us as such but destroy tradition and ways of life ?
take photos.....go on take em!!!!!! no no ...hold on.... will we all forget about producing prints and just have gadgets to show them on ? and many never be seen by others...
byjingo all that social history will vanish as such....ahhh he /she dies family jump in like a flash ...take what they can sell for cash... the old PC in the corner is way too old ...trash it..... that's it images all gone..... will this effect the history of thinks it will.....

I love looking at old images...the cars in shot ..the fashion.... the stuff that was in the .. TV , radio all that stuff...... shame ain't it me old beans!!!!!!!!

Bishop for gawds sake what on earth are you going to do with that?????????? put it down.....

Ohhh dear , what a life eh ? came here to planet earth for some looking back at human form and habits.... byjove do I regret the night i climbed into the mothership for that tour !!!!!!

Looking at the stats for this it does not seem to be going anywhere me old sons... so ...well I'll see how it goes over the next few months......

Byjingo when one stops and thinks about the old UFO thing .I can understand why it should be kept a secret.... if it was true and they had proof we have came to visit the planet earth would that put the spin on all religions and gods...Hmmmmmmm !!! could start a lot of problems.... but as the generations of humans develop I think the old religion thing will die a death.... did not the vikings gods vanish ????? most the humans I know that turn to church is because they have some mental problem or guilt that they wish would go away.... problem is it wont go away ...whatever you chose to do to give you that feeling of guilt, you will always know the truth.... you can't hide... what goes around comes around and byjingo that is so true.....

sleep well me old beans ...I do ..apart from health stuff but my mind has no regrets or guilt.... DO YOU ????????

Friday 5 June 2009

still here !!! just !!!!

Hello Playmates!!!!!!!!
how about this then me old beans ...take oneself off to the local jaguar car showroom and just nick a motor...if you get caught just say problem I forgot to pay... and write a check out and all will be as good as prosecution for theft!!!!!!! well maybe not ..... unless you be an M.P. in the UK.....

Then they ask you to vote in local elections....hmmmmm VOTE FOR WHO?????THEY ALL ON THE TAKE IN THE POLITICAL WORLD IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.......

Byjingo they must think we be nut's ehhh Bishop?

Anyway enough of all this crap... Byjingo its about time Getty Images or Magnum asked me for some images....I may think about helping them out!!!!!!!! Byjingo as if!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking about it I may in time... yawn!!!! ... get enough images together and post some on to a online library to see if I can get some interest....but really must do more shooting... but with one thing and another in this neck of the woods it ain't so easy as it sounds right now.... still day my prints will come !!!!!!

It's about time I started the old UFO up and go take a look at other galaxies's been ages ....
I say vicar take the bishop off that cross byjingo she may rip her frock......
Matron still on the prowl at night but my medication seems to be knocking me out and I wake up...well when I wake up .... all seems well on the old ward....
hold on a tick I just gotta eat this , Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz , snore, cough!!!! Zzzzzzz!!!!!!

Friday 22 May 2009

Laugh!!!! you bet......or truth????

byjingo!!!!!!! OFF WITH THE HEAD'S ....... that's what would have happened years ago on this planet with all this corruption..... Just wondering how many ex M.P's and Officials have got away with loads of the tax we all pay...... would make a great investigation to go back and find em...then prosecute for fraud and whatever else lies behind the closed doors ...WHAT....
The old bishop even thinking of hanging up his frock...... no no no vicar ...they won't start looking into all the going's on in your lives.....although I think they should....

Off to court with them....Byjingo!!!!! then again ....who is the Judge.... what they up to.....
I say old boy !!! quick put that plastic sheet over the coffee table!!!!!!!!! I always have told you humans this is a strange place to live......

Let's forget em all anyway ... the sun should have it's jolly old hat on soon .... off we go to the beach.... splish ....splosh ...
then pick up some virus all because humans let the shite pour into the sea they swim in....errrrrr!!!!!! byjove that makes sense ...what!!!!!!

I'm told by the Pros in the medical field bone disease and kidney problems are here to stay.... have the old bone density checked ... after all ... I once just lay on the floor to pull out a plug from my nuclear vision machine... put all my body weight on my one side and ....CRACK....
ohhhh dear ....ribs gone.... took bloody months to heal ..... and today ....NOW GET READY FOR THIS......... make sure your incontinence pants are empty as you may piss ya self laughing.....they have sending me for some physiotherapy ...... LOL...done it all before... and when the guy in the gym read my letters from consultant ....said ...... blimey you could fracture a bone if you fell or bang ya self...... no no no Vicar!!!! not that bang!!!!! a door... table ..chair.. fall...Byjingo you should be investigated........

Should be good to see what happens today...still it's a trip out...and a chance to pick up MRSA or CDIFF ....... bite ya blue tongue you devil sir!!!!!!!!

Now for a bit of a news flash!!!!!!!!! I am thinking of doing a Podcast...LOL... may get banned from cyberspace but could be a laugh.... but would like a little feedback from readers.....OK OK OK the reader!!!!!!! not much feedback on here as it is...byjingo you humans should be defending the human race ... not reading all this crap!!!!!! But I really would like feedback... so if not on here then just email me at .... put mutant feedback as header... I would love to know if anyone is reading this stuff.... and also if you humans think a podcast may be a way to go.... well until I'm taken to court that is ....if they dare!!!!!!!!
Have a good day me old trouts.......

Thursday 14 May 2009

Told Ya !!!!!

Byjingo!!!! the vicar almost fell over his bottle of holly water.....
M.P'S well I told ya so ...just care about themselves , well most of them.... will they be done for no or you ohhhh yes you bet we would.....
what am I going on about ..... well all the expenses for stuff that should not be claimed for....its tax payers cash.... now they will sort it out....ohhhh yeah!!!!! sure they will......

Another thing I have noticed about humans is they don't trust each other...why not ??? well so many will stab ya in the back..from family to friends to total strangers.....Yet they all want a cool and peaceful life, how strange!!!!!!

Zogonians will talk and help anyone and they be honest......and on this planet Earth this is a downfall... for sure .... hold on a tick the bishop is just going out....Bishh old boy I told ya before...nobody will take you seriously wearing that frock .... go put ya shorts on .......

byjingo!!!! what a crazy world .....

I have a passion for photography , most wildlife but starting to branch out and try other subjects..... over here in the UK the photographer seems to be targeted for the old anti terror crap..... Laugh.... I piss me incontinence pants to the max!!!!!!!!
terror ....yet some M.P's are killers!!!!!!! and just don't report the stuff that still goes on in Ireland ...what a joke!!!!!
Press cant report lots of stuff...block it says a Gov official and so you will never know the truth!!!!!

My Zogonian info machine also tells me that this crunch....LOL..... its getting better....yeah!!! right!!!! just watch what will happen in a few weeks time with the banks all over again...don't say I ain't warned ya ....... and how come none of the high flyer's have not been jailed for what comes over to me as criminal act's , fraud and such!!!!!

Yes the old mutant is moaning again ...ehhhh!!!! what's new ... that's what he does....

you can choose your friends.... but ya family ya stuck with ... after all your family would never do the dirty on ya would they??????? LOL..... what world you living in??????
This is a short one due to me not having all me brain cells in full working order..... also I'm trying to push myself to shoot more can find em on... Flickr... web site...under DREADZEPS...
Well must dash , matrons coming to see if I need a rest .... OHHHHH!!! if only she found out the truth......but I don't want a section....LOL

Monday 20 April 2009

While the birds are avin fun.....

Byjingo... looks like most of the birds are nesting and aving fun me old chaps...what !!!!!!
time to change me glass (lens) in me camera and start a bit of macro and close up stuff on the wee beasts that roam Zog .....
byjove been avin a bit a fun trying to get a water pump to run off the old solar panel for the pond just to create a bit of movement in the water ... even though it only works whilst the sun is out..... hmmmm could be in for weeks with no pump then old bean , as it's almost another British summer once again.... mind you the rain will keep the old pond full...what!!!! I say....
As for news Nora lot going on apart from the old budget this week... that should make me smile !!!!!!
byjove ... what ever happened to that long hair and living for music and playing on stage !!!! It seems to have gone away from me as I have aged ..... never thought it would but it has me old trouts......
now I'm happy sitting in a field in the middle of nowhere .. capturing images and just listening to the sound of mother earth .... hmmmmm wonder if I'm dead!!!!!!!!!

Hit a bit of a brick wall over the last few weeks with me health and trying to put on a smile and good old happy Stu mask.... yes ... mask ..... ain't that what we all paint on when we feel a little low and down ...just to keep the rest of the world off ya back ..... mine seems to have run out of makeup and greasepaint ...... still it has to come back .... no other way out of the shit I'm in now its been confirmed that i must just live with my health issues and although cant do things that other people can do and take for granted I'm not counted as having a disability ... not that i want a label but when you see and know of so many that are pulling the wool over officials eyes and the officials cant be bothered to tackle them about the fact they have no proof or even a consultant to back them up ...the officials just take the blags word for it........ grrrrrrrrrr !!! i could spit in the bishops eye........
I just keep thinking .... why me!!! and to know that no corner to turn to make all well again just bullshat that maybe oneday they may come up with a cure..... yep they will... but I bet I ain't around when it comes..... some people need help now .. not next year .... but this all falls on deaf ears or on to the ears of maybe people who are just happy with a pay packet and a job...lucky them I say ....what!!!!!
now where the vicars arse I'm gonna kick him hard non stop for 3 days.....that will teach him a lesson......
keep smiling gang...... I'm trying me best ;-)

Thursday 16 April 2009

Food for thought !!!!!!

I say .... what!!!!! bythejingo what a week......
pulls up a floorboard and takes a seat ... a new dog at the whitehouse, well that's breaking news...
woman looks like a fool but sings with a golden voice .... WOW!!!!!!
I say vicar switch the old box on let's see what we have to watch tonight ..... hmmm !!! as I thought.... nowt!!!!
Ohh no ... the bishops at it again , if I told her once I told him a thousand times ... never clean the bathroom with ammonia and bleach ..... get her out of the house byjingo!!!! get some fresh air in here ...!!!! Byjingo thought matron after a vindaloos was bad enough but the bishop say it takes him back to the battlefields of world war one ..... foolish man ... told him it can kill!!!!!!!
still you live and learn... talking of liver I had it with onions and bacon on Saturday for lunch and tea and breakfast...byjove don't it just repeat itself ... but golly gosh it has a great taste at the time.... well it does if you cook it first......
Food ... now that's a bit of a joke on this planet Earth ... the kids think the veg comes from shops .. and some think nothing of living off pot noodles ..... just add hot water ... mmmmmmmn!!!!!
like a lot of this food on the planet earth we Zogonians just call it shit in a box .... and most of it is......
why o why did they stop teaching the kids how to cook real food ... a bit late now me old trouts !!!! a whole generation ain't got a clue and I find it jolly well embarrassing for the human race to even find itself in such a state.... what....
I am also amazed ney dazed ney pissed off to find how many adults go looking for .. seasoning in the shops.... well thats what it asks for in the recipe .... ohhhh dear ... what chance ya got now then ..... ever heard of salt n pepper ..... its so true.. try it ask someone if they saw a recipe in a book and with the ingredients are add seasoning .... what is seasoning ... stand back and don't laff too much at em ...they cant help it.... or .... can they ?????
P.S me old earthlings... please try and leave a comment or three it gets jolly lonely in this padded cell ..... thanks ;-)

Wednesday 8 April 2009

late again !!!!!

Byjingo...Hello Playmates!!!!!
Almost caught me sleeping then, what!!!! I thinks this medication stuff they be feeding to us and the humans ain't doing us any good.... OK so it may take away pain, or even help other symptoms but I bet ya a dollar to a pound it gives ya jip in other ways.......
Whilst having a nose through a photography forum that I have used for some time.. I came across threads and post's that made me sit back and think ... why should I try to help these humans anymore .. you always get one or two or three or four.... byjingo!!! I can count!!! anyway where was we...ahhhh!! yep!!! they just thrive on winding others up..... what to do ???
well if I see something on your TV I don't like I just switch it over.... my life full of crap as it is .. byjove I don't need anymore......
old mother nature is pushing my life clock around faster than I would like......
NO NO NO vicar I said CLOCK .... for gawds sake put a new battery in ya hearing aid!!!!!!!

The only thing is I will miss most of the humans that used it.... now ain't that stupid!!!!!!
We never meet , we don't even know if what is posted is the truth or I.D's are false !!!! all on a machine ... yet I think as time goes on community's on these sites will build... and why not a jolly good thing it could be.....

But as a Zogonian we suffer no fools.... once bitten we rip ya head off and stuff it in the old back passage of life!!!!!

Talking about back passages..... I should have had a camera crew around to shoot some images but I told them that as I have had so many In's and outs ....well not that sort but in and out of hospital over the last 20 odd years ... you get to the point where you feel like letting nature do as she wishes and sometimes one can just get on with a quality of life .... alas ... only sometimes....

It's a funny old planet this ... most would love to have a quality and enjoyable life but stupid things can just upset the balance ....
How many really want wars ????
Not a lot Bishop eh!!!
Now where was we .... Newts!!!!! Byjingo !!!! ain't they great little things and all seem to be jumping in my little pond and aving fun!!!!!
Spring really has sprung in the UK ... and some great things to get out and capture on ones camera ... I never ever felt like joining a camera club.. many years ago a friend of mine...yes ... I do have one or four!!!! his father had a darkroom and I was blown away with what was created before my very eyes! ... that's when I started to like photography.... but the old digital relighted my fire for it yet again in my late 40's and here we are today .. not .. shooting as much as one would like but getting out and about when i can.....
My friends father was in a camera club , byjingo the tales he told !!!! my glass bigger than your glass attitude to a fair many of them and I'm top dog and you be a nooby !!!!
Bah !!!! ain't got the time for humans like that .....

I'm back on the road again with the old UFO but whilst parking up the other day me knob fell off !!!! well as you can understand I was shocked !!!! how could I indicate to turn left or right anymore... yep !! hand signals !!! but how many on the street know what your doing????
not a lot I suspect with the results I had...... grrrrrrrr .. spit!!!!!!
ohhhhh!!! sorry Matron didn't see ya old girl!!!!
Trying to get a replacement .. well ...£126.78 pence plus VAT....... dealers aving a laff!!!!!!
contacted another one ... £35 ..... what a greedy load a humans be out in this planet I say....what?
expenses well ... you only hearing part of the true story... they be making a fortune at your expense !!!!
well lets see what happens over the next few days and I will log in again.... take care humans.... well most of ya!!!!!! ;-)

Friday 27 March 2009

that moaning old git is back....about time too!!!

I say !!!!!…. What was that ? …… One day here the next gone …. Must have been something in the vicars tea … anyway welcome back to the world of Dreadzep’s ….
Now By jingo … where shall we start…hmmmmmm … OK how about the fact of those Peers and MP’S that were involved with the old Kray twins have been named but the rest that are still alive today are protected and shall not be named …. Or the Peers that had money to change laws for cash for company’s and just say sorry and that’s it …… oh yes that’s all fine and jolly dandy….
And what ever happened to the cash for honours?????????
Byjingo as a working class alien from Zog why on earth do we all let them get away with it?????
Ahhh well that’s because we always have and always will …. Were all mouth and no trousers …..
Welcome to the 21st Century … we are still ruled by people who as long as it all goes well for them the rest of us peasants can just rot …..
Then again I don’t class em as people .. Just greedy perverted and sick shits that once in the house of politics it’s a case of I'm alright jack and stuff you all!!!!!
So how to stop it???? If we all stood shoulder to shoulder with each other it may be possible but I'm dreaming …. All mouth and no trousers ….
We seem to be in a world that is just a world of Disney .. Make believe .. Why???? Well lets see … hmmmm how about racism …. Not much around these days ….. BULL … the worlds full of it…… just don’t tell people your real thoughts and beliefs and all will be well …..
The people who have the power tell you crime is getting under control … BULL… they cant even keep crime , drugs, rape, out of a building they call prison so if they cant control a building what hope in hell do they think they could control a city or a country ……
How many things have been swept under a carpet so that the rest of us never find out what goes on I suspect lots of stuff has been and is being covered up and kept quiet …. But we shall never know , as no one has the balls to uncover any of the things that become secret and covered up …. Now if these people who stand up for us keep the game going on that just shows you how honest they must be …
Stuff based and sworn on the holly bible is another pile of crap…. How can a defence lawyer try to get his client off from crime tells lies and makes up stuff how do they get away with that???????
Now where do I stand if I do a crime and tell them that God told me to do it … all of a sudden I must be mad but how can I be if he told me do they not believe me???? Or do they also know that its all a scam ok to swear and tell the truth the whole truth so help me god but if god tells you to do something you must be making it all up or mad ….. Byjingo I cant understand this corrupt world we live in….
Do you ???????

Tuesday 6 January 2009

what's new?????

Happy new year all...... Na forget that... lets all have a punch up!!!!! I say vicar... go poke the bishop.......... in the eye with a salmon!!!!!
nothing like starting a new year with a bang!!!!!! or a rocket attack or a tank or even bombing people who just want to live in peace....PEACE ......I said not pieces........
Yes lets all go to war know it makes sense....WHAT ON EARTH!!!!!!!!! well only on earth could this mass killing of fellow humans take place..... all in the name of what?????
OK then the rest of the world shouts STOP!!!!!! well that's after they have sold enough weapons to all ... byjingo must get priority's correct... not to mention most of those that shout STOP!!!! have sent military into other foreign country's and also killed Innocent humans....YOU BLOODY HYPOCRITES!!!!!!
and the churches speak out and say STOP!!!!! and just look into what most of those have started and done to humans..... this is one crazy planet and as time goes on not any of the humans who have the powers and control do jack shit to put an end to any of it.... be it war, poverty,abuse....whatever....... if the majority of humans had a say or any control on the matters the place would probably be a great place to live........ but no it ain't gona happen me old beans...sad ain't it!!!!!
Fairy's ain't real but a god is???????? ohhhh my .....
know wonder old chap Darwin wasn't sure about telling anyone about his theory.
Byjove me old beans...... this may well be my last rant and rave on all this type of subjects and I thinks I will just publish tales about the mad house where I am just sitting in my little box ....
so no more rants about human lifestyle and its time to open the box and let out DREADZEPS....
and if you think all this previous stuff was a little crazy ....well, just wait till you enter the world of a mutant alien known as DREADZEPS.... upset him with comments at your own peril... he will play with ya mind and twist ya head till it hurts....
On this day ... the Dread will unleash a world of madness and maybe the odd laugh on planet earth...... he ain't got nothing to loose ..... he lost it years ago!!!!!!!!!!!

that's all folks!!!!!!!!!!

for now!!!!!! MUHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 2 January 2009

Back to the real world.....

Ahhhhhhh !!!!!!! all over and done....... have a good new year all........
Byjingo....let's see what we got going on this year......
Good health...well we will see not so easy to hope for when the people in the know can't help ya but as long as we wake up, have a pulse and still breathing that's good enough for me old chaps...
Stop smoking!!!!!!! muhaaaaaaaaa!!!!! don't make me laugh... me incontinence pants almost full to burst..... just one more drop and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8% of smokers die of lung cancer but they ain't going to tell you humans how many others die of cancer related to food or at least what they put in it!!!!! that's for sure!!!!!!!!!

Now byjingo!!!! the old credit crunch will kick in hard..... just watch as some big companies start to fall!!!!
The rush at woollies made me smile......well what bargains did you get?????? byjingo you would have thought some of the stuff would be at much lower prices...HOLD ON!!!!!!! what about the pool souls loosing the jobs , never mind what bargains you got.......
All quiet on the ward tonight , Matrons on for though with the sweet trolley..... take this , take that..... no no ... not them ...byjingo...matron would eat em all one after the other.... byjingo ...mind you old Rob got out of his cell and I hear he plans to get back on stage..... we shall see!!!!!!

Been very still and cold on planet jingo ..... not a lot going on .... maybe if I can creep out of the window tonight I may jump in the old craft and have a fly past Venus.... she is bright as a button tonight... not far away from the moon if you look up.....
OK vicar so you cant see it if you look down I know.... go and play with the Bishop he ain't been feeling himself over the past few days ........ makes a change!!!!!!!!!

I had a thought the other night.... bloody well hurt.....not been right since.... but I'm going to try and kick start me old photo mojo for this year and push me self a bit more...... Byjove!!! looks like it may snow.... now that should be a jolly good show...... one cm and the whole of planet UK will come to a stop!!!! what!!!!! me taking the piss????? never!!!!!

watched some of the old one eyed monster..... NO NO NO Vicar, not that, the TV..... WHAT A LOAD OF REPEATED RUBBISH THAT WAS!!!!!!!!!! stop shouting I'm not deaf!!!!!....
lets see what 09 brings us......
I thinks I may even stop moaning about this human world...... well OK maybe I not..... LOL....
I think I need to get out more....... not easy when matron keeps tying me down to the old bed.....Tallyho!!!! what!!!!
whatever your plan is go out and do it me old beans.... where did I put my camera!!!!!!!!
Lookout vicar another stuka at 12 ...... time for tea now...mmmmmmnnnnn!!! oh!!!! no!!!!! not bloody turkey!!!!!!!!