Saturday 7 November 2009


This post is a little different, a little more than just a post....
I feel strongly about all the humans killed in wars and troubles around the planet and thought i would just post this to make whoever reads my blog may feel the same as me.....

I have no religious faith and believe many others are of the same thoughts as me....
But if you do have a faith then that is your free choice in life... once a year massive media coverage on one day to remember the lost .... but lost they are not,each lost soul has a place in someones heart and remains with them forever, every day, every hour.
It's now the 21st century and still humans have wars and I the only one on this planet that has a dream of no more!!!! I doubt it..... but our voices are never heard or if they are, just ignored....and yet every human I should imagine would like to live a full and peacefull life..... maybe oneday it may happen... maybe!!!

So to all the lost souls on this planet I raise my hat and bow my head in shame at the human race....and will always remember those who have gone before.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Meanwhile back in his cell.....

Morning Matron...whats for breakfast today? ...oh great another medication!!!
It's about time I swithched on the Zogonian news reporting machine..Ill just put some more coal in the boiler to build up the old steam preasure.....
AHHHHH!!!! that's better.. now whats this here... oh I say, Byjingo a report about MP'S and the stolen cash...Hmmmmmmm!!! looks like they get off lightly again but wait I see that they are upset that they will loose some of the fraudulent ways in which to steal tax payers cash....Well!! good job I aint in charge me old trouts , as you would find yaselves locked up and key thrown away...YOU were voted in by the people of this country..LOL..voted...LOL OK by a few people of this country because the rest of em do not vote!!! Why?? Dont be so stupid, for years the people have come to know about ya fiddles and the fact that many of you dont give a toss about them once you walk accross the Westminster threshold...dont you then get ya pennssion once you walk accross those steps?????
Not to mention all the directorships and back handers from large companys...LOL
I overheard old Nick Clogg say that it should all be sorted before the next election else voters wont trust...WELL YOU STUPID MAN....MOST VOTERS DONT TRUST AND HAVE NEVER TRUSTED AND DONT EVEN VOTE .....WHY?? Because of these reasons the way you MP's act and speak...always arond subjects never direct answers!!!!!!!

We lost some more soldiers in afganistan again...but you still try to go ahead and buy your way to peace with cash....fools go out and fight or send your sons and daughters out on the ya dont!!!
Doing it to protect us all back in the UK??? How many afganistans stop to think about all the poor ..yes!!! POOR people in the UK and think of ways they can help...well not many I bet...yep!! its not nice to see the old Taliban treating the people the way they do..but get a life ..thats the culture they have lived with for many years its not our right to sort them out....GET BACK AND SORT OUT THE UK FIRST!!! Byjingo we have all sorts of problems here !!!!

Now talking of which..the banks and large corporate bussinesses seem to get so much tax payers cash to keep them going..OK so if they go under ...lets say a motor company..people will loose jobs thats life..Things seem to have gone way out of controll reguards money...How on earth with all the huge cash loans these companys get in this day and age how can they ever pay the cash back..YET the account books come up with proffits still however large or small????? and wage bills are massive so cost of goods go up through ya roof....Byjove,what a crazy human mess!!!!!BUT all the top of the tree still live and prosper the little guys just go under and who cares????
They can always be replaced....what a sad and sorry sytstem you have created guys!!!! arse!!! in the UK we have no industry...what happend?? in the 1970's large industry was still using machines that were around during the second world war...NO investment in new technologys... to me thats where it all started to go wrong...
And just who the hell do I thimk I am saying all these things.. well Im nobody.I have no major qualifications , cant even spell without me many of you are the same ?? but wont addmitt!!! no university nowt ...just sheer hard work when i left school and the sense to take note of what was going on in life ... OHHHH what I would give to be put infront of some of the top people in this planet and ask questions....but would I hear the truth...I think not!!! Today we have nowt ..just mainnly service industries.. wow big deal..what happend to Great Britain and Industrial revoloutions...simplezzz and me merecat says... we gave it all away..we sold our souls for cash!!!!!!!!

They blame man for climate change...they warn the end is nigh..IF IT'S so bad then howcome you still have air travell, formula one motor racing, not many electric cars , the spending and waste of so much cash on things that will not help humans in the end?????? I GOT SOME NEWS FOR YOU GUYS!!!!! oneday the old planet will die, when ?? GAWD knows could be millions of years from now,but it will happen and all of mans PROGRESS will be for nothing!!!! apart from the few that go out to another planet and start again!!!!!!

Man has never kept recors of weather changes or climate I should say, and in my few years on the planet I have found things go around and around... in fashion ..out of fashion...good for ya , bad for ya!!!

Sunday 1 November 2009

hide the truth ?

Many, well those of you who have followed this rubbish I thank those who have just found this strange blog , i think i need to explain who DREADZEPS is....Human, well no...Alien, could be.... mutant ... for sure!!! sane, no way but perhaps that's what keeps me going?

Born 1958 , my mother had a miscarriage prior to this but it was what they called a mole in those days in the 1950's... my father was in the Korean war and whilst doing his bit was sent to Japan for some rest and recoup r'n'r ... he went to look around Hiroshima..hmmmm!!!! If you do a little research you will find out...not easy but you will find details how after the bomb was dropped and the USA were called in and built a base nearby how they could not get out fast enough as soon as the Brits and Australians arrived...hmmm!! wonder why??

Anyway any info you can find out the more the plot thickens and gets hidden by the authorities especially British MOD.... right up to date the truth as never come out and i doubt that it will until years to come when all those that could try to make a claim have died and no relatives even realise their roots were involved.....

I have suffered from ill health since I can remember, sure I had a great and fun life but as time goes on my health goes down the pan...I have been sent to university in oxford for tests and all hospitals in the west midlands and even at the start my parents paid for me to go to Harley street...all to no avail... my bone density gets very low sometimes to the point where bones and joints just break up... but then over time reform again... Kidney stones... if i could polish em up and sell em as jewellery i could make a fortune.. currently have them in both kidneys...OK so go get em out and get on with life, easy said than done, as i just keep producing them so get em out and back they come... you get to the point where you can't take all the hassle and prodding and tubes pushed in and out of ya.....

I know I have gone into this many times and many will think ..OH Christ here we go again..but not only does these things create physical pain and problems.... mental problems also come as part of the package IE depression ... pull yaself together .. easy said than done ...treat with drugs!!! easy answer, but even then that creates problems to the point where you don't worry or care about anything, now that does bother me!!!! so back off the drugs and find a balance but drugs to control ya moods and thought cant be a good thing can it???

now back to Korea... more tea vicar ..... i approached my endocrinologist to ask if i could have a DNA test... seen the top people in my area about it told em my fears and was told no that cant be the problem as radiation would get back to normal for my father after a few years and his DNA would not be effected...but cant be 100% OK so give me a DNA test... no way ain't going to happen...wonder why?????

And now you newbies know a little bit more to the reason why I'm not quite in the box as you humans are.
I find it hard to live a 'NORMAL' daily life as its always up and down with aches and pains and thoughts... I have taken photography to my heart , when I can get out and about to shoot, I think it makes you look at life and nature in more detail..more humans should take in more detail of what is around them instead of just taking all for granted.....maybe then the humans would get on a little better than they do now!!!!!!!

Sorry to those who have read all this before but thought it was time to let others try to understand the mind of a mutant alien from the Planet Zog...... thanks for reading AND PLEASE I would love some feedback from you guy's's lonley here in planet Blog........