Thursday 13 May 2010

YAWN!!!! That was some medication.....

Byjingo me old playmates that was sure some strong medication I had...what!!!...I say old bean....gave me some right bad dreams....thought a general election had gone on and no winners...phew!!! as if!!!! then thought the Libs  had joined up with Cons..... it gets jolly worse than that....Nicky Cleggy said "it's what the voters wanted"....errrrrrrr!!! HOLD ON A SEC YOU CAD SIR!!!!! ..... the voters did not vote in any winner because they sick to the high teeth with all the crap you MP's get away with..... Byjingo ...that ain't no dream....ohhhh dear me what we gonna do now....smell of big shit once these guys see the books and find out just how much crap we UK people are in.... then a budget...ohhhhh no!!!! V.A.T.  will go up for sure and they will tell us no more taxing us as we are....hmmmmm usual truth from the mouths of the golden ones..I say golden because they full of piss.... and just love taking the piss from us UK  residents.....
Oh well no probs , I give em 6 months then they will fall out and another election ...same result..lets face it ain't one party that don't take the piss!!!!
better try and get me Canon 10d before the VAT gets it...... as if ..I just go see the Bishops mate repro Jake, he was in the nick for copying 500 Euro notes and if he ain't he will be soon...LOL...
Talking of Euro byjingo ...that is not the most stable cash on the block  I give that another 6 years then it will be gone!!!!! you see!!!
Greece  in the mud , what ..I say old bean  jolly bad show but who to blame ...bussinesse's keep 2 sets of books one for tax man the other telling the truth..then the people in power are corrupt as most Gov top dogs are... it's gonna be jolly tough over in that place for some time .. and which country next. Spain .Italy or Port.....ohhh well matrons on the way round to give me my medication again...never have been happy with the stuff but thats life old day I will get out of here and take over the world...and pigs will fly!!! toodle-pip for now ........