Thursday 4 March 2010

Never learn will ya?????

Byjingo , I'm told that I'm nuts but most humans take the grand first prize....How come the powers who be  will never learn that locking someone up for doing a crime is just a pure waste of good honest taxpayers money... To lock em up for crime such as murder for life , then let em out again in a few years time...ahhh but whilst they have been locked up they have seen the light , they have been taught the good ways to live and treat other humans as they would like to be treated...and they find God so they must be of sound mind and good old honest humans now!!!!!!
Wrong you dickheads...and you know it, why you let them out beats me and many others , will you do anything about it.... will ya heck!!!!
And so it goes on murder, abuse, small children and old humans to the criminal it makes no difference they just see what they want to see....Infact thinking about it , does that not make the people who dish out the prison sentence and look after the bastards just as guilty as the criminal in my book.

Never in a million years will those who have the power to change things do a thing about it....the way it is now is the way it will always be.......
I see one of the bastards that killed little Jamie on the railway track after having another ID back in trouble again so that proves that the criminal system does not work... How many more honest humans will loose a life to the bastards who dint give a shat..... I just hope the humans that set up his ID  and helped him with his life  feel guilty at what they let loose on the world...they wont...but I hope they do....
Tax payers pay a fortune every week to keep the scum locked up while humans who are sick and need things are left because of the shortage of cash ... seems rather a silly system to me but what do I know ....Im nut's......or maybe the ones who says your nut's are the ones that live in a perfect dream like state all of the time...then again the election is around the bend so the next lot will sort it all out...after they have taken what they can for themselves first..look affter number one and shit on the rest, unless they do crime you can always help them can't ya ?