Thursday 23 October 2008

Common sense???

Ahhh !! another day on planet earth, more space junk on the way to the moon.
Looking for water!!! Byjingo that could be one long journey for a newspaper and a Mars bar.... I could tel em they ain't going to get much water on the moon old chaps, what!!!!
" Ahhhh!! but they are going to map the surface also", I'm told by the Bishop... "Ohhh well that makes it all worth while I'm sure!!!"
I was told a little thing the other night by the vicar , we had just finished our last supper, well that's what old Bish and Vic call it......
As we sat crossed legs on the mat he told me about a little kitten that was sleeping in the corner of a room when suddenly he was woken by the sound of a bowl of milk being put down on the floor.... up the kitten gets and goes and drinks the milk.... once its gone back to his warm place and falls asleep again...
"Byjingo" I shouts out!!! with that the Bishop spilt his gin and tonic, " sorry Bish" ... what a daft kitten I thought... how come he just woke up and walked over, drank the milk then fell asleep again????
Byjove!! Why not walk up to the bowl and think ... hold on what is this?? where did it come from??? who put it on the floor???? whats in it????? whats it made of???????is it safe????????
But no!!!!! He drank , he slept and that became his life....well that was until he went outside and got hit by a steam roller!!!!!!!! nine lives.....don't think so old bean...

So if anyone is reading this ....which one are you similar to????????????????
It seems to me after spending 50 years or so here on and off!! That a good 80% or even more humans don't really know what is going on around them but then again do they need too???

The other night, whilst fixing my external micro brain transmitter on the kitchen table, I looked at the Vicars nut's...... "Byjingo!! how long have you had those" I asked him.... "All my life old bean " he said.... "no, no, no, those Brazil nuts on the table".... "ohhhh those "... "A few months now, got em the same time as those oranges"......
"Ahhhh!!!" said I.... "I forgot a lot of your food stuff is irradiated" ... "yep" he said" but who cares"... hmmmmmm!!!! only the ones that produce your food stuffs and want a longer shelf life I suppose......
Byjingo in the old days we never did that sort of thing or added chemicals to our food...strange how time changes and thoughts change also.....
"Who cares that the world is flat".....shouted the Bishop "its not" I said..." ohhh I thought it was ", "me too "shouted the Vicar...... ahhhhhhh boy has this planet got a lot to learn.......

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Time ..faster than light!!!

Byjingo!! once a week or every day! what!!!!!
The days and weeks and months fly past me!!! When your young the oldies say "just you see how time fly's when you get older" yep!! they were the wise old ones... indeed, it does......

I did warn you that the format was going to be a little different!!!
So where was we.. ahhhh yes! Tallyho!!! The old planet Zog was a great place to live but while here on earth I was watching Deal or No Deal ... sad old fart that I is... I was astonished , no shocked to hear the old Noel Edmund talk about planet Zog !!!! Quick jump in the craft and tell the others to pack the bags i thought..
Got on to the old steam valve dio-transceiver .... CQ CQ CQ DX ... CQ CQ CQ DX ... Ohhhh bugger that its faster to fly in person , so off I went.
Byjove when arriving at Zog they all fell about laughing .How news travels fast in the outer Galaxy.
So back to earth I fell!!! Bump!!!! Ouchhhhhh!!!
"Vicar , if I told you once I aint gona tell ya again , stop putting those vodka bottles on my chair"

With all the Zogonian Cash problems you could hardly get any change from a Zonk. the value was dropping fast. So were the Bank's Byjingo Byjove , even they were going bust . With that a few of us decided it was time to leave our beloved Zog and find another place to live... That's when we came across Planet Jingo... well never had a name and I suggested Jingo and the rest was history so to speak.. to coin a phrase ..
When your rulers tell you they will only guarantee 50000 Zonk of your savings it does make one stop and think ... hold on how much confidence do they have in the banking system!!!!!
The old Zogonian shares was another alarm bell, "lookout vicar another stuka!!!"...
The market falls everyone sells..... STOP THINK!!!! if they sell .. who is buying???????
What a way to make a planet go round in the 21st century ......

Still the end of the day came for all those left on Zog .. Too busy worrying about stocks shares , cash.... what about the Zogonians the ones who had no Zonk's the buy a bit of bread ... ahhhh no they will be here for all time so why sort them out... as long as we make cash and our life style gets better sod em!!!!!
Well , did they have a problem , whilst worrying about the finance litte did they know .. and I had warned em not to take life for granted, the old Zogonian Sun had shone its last ray of radiation!!!! Flash !!! Bang !!!! Whoooshhh!!!! out it went... shone for millions of years but as we all know all good things must end!! So those left on Zog ain't got a bean, in fact they don't even have a life never mind worrying about all the cash..... Sun gone, Zog gone....

Meanwhile , life on Jingo goes on we only have one small problem ... well a rather large problem Byjingo!!! what!!! I say!!
When we left Zog looking for another world we forgot to bring the female of our specious with us... Oh well !! we now building more craft and will be invading other planets looking for mates...
so keep looking over ya shoulder never know!!!
Must dash the vicar has his fly caught in the Bishops frock again.... I keep telling em wait till you get to the river before putting ya fly on the line!!!!
More salmon Vicar!!!!!!!