Monday 26 October 2009

I can take it !!!!

Byjingo you humans... all I have been trying to get is some sort of critic on my images in flickr...easy said than done me thinks.... anyone who put stuff up for critic must take the kicks and the punches... I feel you can only learn things from feedback from humans...if you do a stage play and do the best marketing job in the world to get bums on seats...if the play is rubbish you find out by no bums and loads of empty seats.... but also you may get a review and if the critic don't like it and tells everyone else ...well you at least have an idea what the problems are.... but getting little critic and not pulling the punches you can never find out if your doing a good job or where you can improve!!!!!!
I get people viewing but not many comments even though i ask ...strange me thinks...
Now I know I don't shoot many images that's my problem but cant always feel 100% to go out and shoot or even set up stuff in house ... I thought that by getting some sort of comments good,bad or just plain ugly would help me to fire up my motivation...

I just love photography and am trying more to think out of the box to produce work that's a little different ..... most of my images are of good old mother nature and her free show for all of us to see, it makes me smile talking to people who still walk about with eyes closed and not at all interested in what she has in store for us....
I looked at wedding photography and some of the work out in the image world and found quite a lot is really not that good but the poor old punter does not see things the same as those who love looking through the lens... and pay a fortune ... people say why don't you try this or that and i get fed up of trying to tell em its hard enough to get out of bed and feel good everyday let alone be booked up for a date to do a shoot and find out that the day of the shoot I'm too ill to do it...that type of living would get you a bad name for sure and that's not how i live my life..... its bad enough i cant book a holiday or anything like that but trying to explain this to humans is a waste of my alien breathe..... until these people realise just how life is different for those who have poor health its easy just to say things but its a different story to be living that way....
for the last 3 years now i have been teaching myself photography and get my kit its not a cheap hobby to get involved in....that's for sure...
but its given me some great times and opened up my mind to many things and ways at looking at the world.... its also not that easy to get humans to model for ya either , friends or family ... but I'm working on that one.... short an sweet this one..take care...