Tuesday 25 August 2009

Get it right!!!!!!!!!!

Byjingo !!!! me old Playmates...... I say ... what!!!!!!
where do we start on this one or two ? Well looks like poor old Jako was taking more medication than me!!! Its kind of strange he was a few days younger than me ... maybe all strange people born in August? ...Anyway..I have always stated...byjingo...not one human on this planet earth or even on Planet Jingo know what happens when you take a cocktail of drugs ... that's the ones the doctor prescribes for ya.... believe me i know!!!!!!!!!
Rushed into a crash room months ago due to one drug not getting on with another...out like a light and out for hours.....I was lucky they got me back....LOL ... back to what!!!!! maybe I wasn't...LOL

It seems the old cattle are coming in for a slap ...producing way too much methane...byjove I'm glad whoever did the research has never been around my hose......
Ive told you all before ...its down to mother nature whats going on around this planet... man can try to control what mother nature has in store for ya!!!!
Some may know how much I love and in fact have a passion for photography, but it seems to be getting way out of the old political correctness madness!!! cant shoot in the streets in the UK without someone thinking your up to no good, shooting kids playing or police is a sure no no ...
NO no no vicar with a camera, SLAP!!!!!
Zogonians don't create war or fighting..... well unless ya punch me on the nose and then you will never forget that time!!!!!!

Talking of war ....... what a waste of life.... OK , so you must make a stand sometimes but byjingo most of the wars are over religion or cash !!!! Ban cigarettes or try as they now come telling you they kill... treat smokers like ...ahhhhhhh!!! a cigarette !!!! stamp on em!!!! HOLD ON !!!!!!
I smoke , cough, cough, spit !!! But the sales of guns goes on and on... hmmmmmm !!! priority's !!

In UK , ban knifes they kill..... NO ..... NO ....NO.... its the idiot who uses the knife that's the problem...what about cars??? ban them ? they kill, so can an ash tray or house brick....
OK then they send em to prison .... LOL...whatever happened to the slop bucket? NO they shout ...they Will be taught a trade and become good people when they get out!!!!!!!
LOL...stop I'm pissing myself laughing here!!!!!
They do a crime so should be punished not helped...sod that ...they did whatever , then they should pay.....
One case the bomber in Scotland.... let him go to a hero's welcome home... well he is going to die they say..... so what... what about the people on the plane who were 100% healthy they just got blown to bits with no thought of what a bomb in the plane was going to do ...Your criminal systems on this planet stink!!!!!!

Back to the wars .... why should the west..who just love cash and greed.. try to make the rest of this planet run the same way as themselves ??? Byjingo!!! they cant even run the system smooth in their own backyard!!!!! Leave others alone and sort ya own garden out first!!!!!!
The planet has many different cultures and that's just it , many go back for many years so just let em do it the way they have for all time.......GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! so go look at your old laws...get rid... bring in modern and 21st Century laws in to action, but alas this will never happen....

Why they doing space travel.... well they need another planet but i bet you don't get to see it.... They know one day... this little old planet is going to go bang...its just when is the problem and byjingo you humans will never know when...its up to mother nature....
well Tallyho.....I'm off to build me spaceship......................... ciao!!