Thursday 27 May 2010

KICK ASS ... sort those who do and those who don't!!!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!  I could crush a grape!!!!!  Byjingo!!!  yes you guessed it I'm throwing a wobbler!!!  LOL
New Gov in the UK... now for some of you that have not read the blog from the start, WHY NOT.... LOL
you have missed the best bit's.....I was on fighting form in those days byjingo!!! where was we..ahhhh!! yes! I'm on Incapacity Benefits here ..5k per year income.. and I'm not knocking it ..if not for that help I would be sunk... " GET OFF YA ASS" I hear the shout... well if I could  believe me I would...  I try but my health has a hold on me for sure...all my medical records.x rays , cat , the problems I have and as time has ticked on so has my mind... mental health issues...don't panic I ain't gona track ya down or stalk ya ..when you keep getting knocked down by your own body it soon starts to work on ya head byjingo!!!!
still I keep my sense of humor and that seems to carry me through it all... just!!!! still have good and bad days but don't we all?????
I hear the Gov will crack down on those on Inc Cap ben and so they should.. lots out  walking about or running about... on the fiddle for sure... even the people who check them out, and thats a bloody joke ... tell em how to do this and that... IE fill in a form for claim..keep a copy so you remember what you said!!! bloody hell if you are ill you don't need a copy of a bloody form to remind ya what to say!!!!!  pisses me off!!!
Get real... look into the cases and read medical info if claim has none then what the feck are they trying to pull??? and yet you crazy Benefits bosses fall for it....forget the Political correct gang  get tough... 
Some humans I have met need extra help and don't get any because all the cash goes to a lot who and lets face it's like the MP's are committing fraud... if caught deal with em hard because they are tacking the piss out of the country and all those that work 100%....  KICK ASS!!!!!
Now I suppose I will get the letters asking me to go to some seedy office ..where I will be put under interrogation why ain't I working... all this causes me upset.... Ahhh !!!  I hear... no hate any sympathy really makes me nut's they think I love having medication that feks up and causes other problems... READ medical history and find those that are tacking the piss..... I am playing at photography at the mo ..and through asking for some critique on my images have had people say why not do it as a job...I would if I could stop the kidney stone and bone disease problems... don't you think how much it pisses me off to not be able to get out every day.... too many take it for granted and until they fall ill will never know what it is like to cope with poor health....controlled by some degree by drugs, not for the high but to remove pain.
Alas I have asked for  Benefit people to come and see what its like and talk with me to find out more about my life ......but they never reply or come to talk with me.... now my health issues ain't as bad as some I know..  who need help... so come on Gov bring it on and sort it out .... it's about time .. and kick ass!!!!!