Friday 12 March 2010

no dock!!!

well my incontinence pants almost burst and flooded my cell here yesterday... the MP's asked if they could just sit in the court and not in the dock!!!! who do they think they are, this attitude just shows how they think they are above the rest...they are not and they did the fraud/crime which in my book in a fair society then they should be punished for it....I doubt that they will  be locked up for a few years and if they did it would not be with the rest of the criminals thats for sure...byjingo I'm the mutant alien on this planet and even I know how the humans feel about all this crap..they don't trust the MP's anymore thats a fact!!!!!!  and can you blame not at all.... hold on a second the bishops just punched the vicar on the nose again!!!!
anyway that takes us to another problem...seems a lot of religious people like to abuse others that all seems mighty strange to me and my kind... the things that go on under the cloak of religion makes us wonder if it's just that , a cloak that slightly mental health issues can hide behind...lets face it most say thou cant do this and thou should not do that and yet the humans involved with the religions do things that none religious people would call despicable and downright evil.......  we wont go into all the wars and troubles that humans get into about religion as whatever is said will never in a thousand years make one bit a difference to the problems.... go on smack him on the head just because he believes in a different religion from you...that make a whole lota sense does that... and it's me who is crazy????????