Wednesday 29 October 2008


Byjingo ,'s here on little ole planet earth going bust????
I say , what..... hedge funds going bust...hmmmmmm what about pensions?? " Yes " shouts the vicar.......
Not looking good for the next year or so here on planet earth with this Global money problem.... ahhhh but its OK for the one 's who have a fortune, well maybe not if they all go bust....
what a mess this is getting!!!!!! never had this thing happen on Zog...... but then again we not driven by greed and we ain't human.......
Still it will sort itself out in the end .... funny but I did talk about how a high percentage of humans really dont know what is going on around them... local council election and they think their vote will change the government!!!!! ehhhh !!! ho!!! that's always been that way and probably always will...
OK we all need money to pay bills and to eat and put the old shirt on ya back, what.... but its all gone too far now with all the luxury items one thinks that you should have as just part of normal life .... cant see the fact that buying or needing the items, which are marketed in a way to make you believe that you do need that item , is making shed loads of cash for others ... OK that's what a business is about , making money at the end of the day but when you see people in so called free speech and democratic society's with no cash for heating and food... somethings wrong I say....
On comes the add on TV to ask you to pay cash towards people starving in another country.. when at the end of the day the people in that country don't help or sort out the problems themselves!!! How crazy is that!!!! look in your own backyard and just see how many are struggling to live a comfortable life or even existence in your own country's!!!!!
Byjingo this planet sure is strange!!!
Yes its a shame that all this poverty is still going on everywhere indeed... "I will say a prayer" Say's the vicar... hmmmmmm I'm sure that will solve the worlds problems, what!!!!! tallyho!

Society , well as the one we had on Zog , was not a place where we all shared stuff and nobody became rich and famous byjingo no!!!! you must create wealth but without the greed was our motto on Zog..
at one point on Zog when the last of the food supplies had gone all the Zonk's in the bank could not save a life.... byjingo if you ever try eating a Zonk mind your teeth...although you can chew it for hours but no nutrition at all .... so to dust ya go!!!!!!!
Another thing is ... why blame others all the time for your own misdoings..own up and take it on the chin ... that way you learn ....
On the other hand , go to war over a problem... tallyho!!! that will create smokescreens and create more jobs in the rebuilding of a planet.... BUT!!!! I bet 99.9% of the poor old chaps and ladies who live on the planet don't want wars they just want to live a life with some comfort...
But nobody in control ever asks them ... after all living in peace ain't gonna create wealth on its own..... or would it?????????????