Wednesday 8 April 2009

late again !!!!!

Byjingo...Hello Playmates!!!!!
Almost caught me sleeping then, what!!!! I thinks this medication stuff they be feeding to us and the humans ain't doing us any good.... OK so it may take away pain, or even help other symptoms but I bet ya a dollar to a pound it gives ya jip in other ways.......
Whilst having a nose through a photography forum that I have used for some time.. I came across threads and post's that made me sit back and think ... why should I try to help these humans anymore .. you always get one or two or three or four.... byjingo!!! I can count!!! anyway where was we...ahhhh!! yep!!! they just thrive on winding others up..... what to do ???
well if I see something on your TV I don't like I just switch it over.... my life full of crap as it is .. byjove I don't need anymore......
old mother nature is pushing my life clock around faster than I would like......
NO NO NO vicar I said CLOCK .... for gawds sake put a new battery in ya hearing aid!!!!!!!

The only thing is I will miss most of the humans that used it.... now ain't that stupid!!!!!!
We never meet , we don't even know if what is posted is the truth or I.D's are false !!!! all on a machine ... yet I think as time goes on community's on these sites will build... and why not a jolly good thing it could be.....

But as a Zogonian we suffer no fools.... once bitten we rip ya head off and stuff it in the old back passage of life!!!!!

Talking about back passages..... I should have had a camera crew around to shoot some images but I told them that as I have had so many In's and outs ....well not that sort but in and out of hospital over the last 20 odd years ... you get to the point where you feel like letting nature do as she wishes and sometimes one can just get on with a quality of life .... alas ... only sometimes....

It's a funny old planet this ... most would love to have a quality and enjoyable life but stupid things can just upset the balance ....
How many really want wars ????
Not a lot Bishop eh!!!
Now where was we .... Newts!!!!! Byjingo !!!! ain't they great little things and all seem to be jumping in my little pond and aving fun!!!!!
Spring really has sprung in the UK ... and some great things to get out and capture on ones camera ... I never ever felt like joining a camera club.. many years ago a friend of mine...yes ... I do have one or four!!!! his father had a darkroom and I was blown away with what was created before my very eyes! ... that's when I started to like photography.... but the old digital relighted my fire for it yet again in my late 40's and here we are today .. not .. shooting as much as one would like but getting out and about when i can.....
My friends father was in a camera club , byjingo the tales he told !!!! my glass bigger than your glass attitude to a fair many of them and I'm top dog and you be a nooby !!!!
Bah !!!! ain't got the time for humans like that .....

I'm back on the road again with the old UFO but whilst parking up the other day me knob fell off !!!! well as you can understand I was shocked !!!! how could I indicate to turn left or right anymore... yep !! hand signals !!! but how many on the street know what your doing????
not a lot I suspect with the results I had...... grrrrrrrr .. spit!!!!!!
ohhhhh!!! sorry Matron didn't see ya old girl!!!!
Trying to get a replacement .. well ...£126.78 pence plus VAT....... dealers aving a laff!!!!!!
contacted another one ... £35 ..... what a greedy load a humans be out in this planet I say....what?
expenses well ... you only hearing part of the true story... they be making a fortune at your expense !!!!
well lets see what happens over the next few days and I will log in again.... take care humans.... well most of ya!!!!!! ;-)