Saturday 19 December 2009

with me or am I talking Crap

HO HO HO !!!!!!!
Whats all this bulloxs from the UK gov... Don't let ya kids drink booze , they think its a bad thing to let your kids av a drink of booze as it will make them turn to it!!!  ya avin a laugh again you ponsed up pathetic minority of do gooders... get a life , try living in the real world with the rest of the humans on this planet for once...
Look how many humans share a glass of wine with a meal in France and other countrys...
If you make stupid laws and use out of date laws 1800's and such and then never follow through with the law then you should look at yourselves....
Nothing wrong in let the kids have a small glass with food... when I say kids I'm talking about kids over 11 ... The law states you must be over 18 to drink booze OK, but a tipple with the family wont hurt may even get them to respect it....
But if you got some parent who gets pissed up in front of the kids and just don't care if the kid gets pissed or not THEN THAT is where laws should kick in and be used.. not slap on the wrist.....PUNISH THEM!!!!!

Byjingo the adults cant even use the drug ( thats what it is) without fights and trouble and you do nothing about it nothing!!!!!
All these problems where laws are broken make the system look like a farce... and you MP'S are the problem... the public would love it if you punished humans that go against the may even gain some respect, of which many of you now have none!!!!!!!!
Get tough on it before it all goes tits up and law becomes a thing of the past!!!!!!

Take the 3 guys who shot the young guy they get life in a Holiday camp, not my type of Holiday camp but to the scum who end up in it , thats just what it is!!! and Life..not 34 years.......Im so fed up with all this bulloxs thinking about it WHY should a tax payer keep them anyway, they went against the law it would be wiser to get rid of them with an injection and use the tax payers money to good use in the NHS to help save the lives of good humans...would it not????????

I think I will put a poll on here and ask the rest of the humans that look on here to vote am I talking crap or do they back me up!!!!!!
Let's see!!!   on this page I will set up a poll ...please let me know what you guys think!!!  THANK YOU..

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