Friday 5 June 2009

still here !!! just !!!!

Hello Playmates!!!!!!!!
how about this then me old beans ...take oneself off to the local jaguar car showroom and just nick a motor...if you get caught just say problem I forgot to pay... and write a check out and all will be as good as prosecution for theft!!!!!!! well maybe not ..... unless you be an M.P. in the UK.....

Then they ask you to vote in local elections....hmmmmm VOTE FOR WHO?????THEY ALL ON THE TAKE IN THE POLITICAL WORLD IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.......

Byjingo they must think we be nut's ehhh Bishop?

Anyway enough of all this crap... Byjingo its about time Getty Images or Magnum asked me for some images....I may think about helping them out!!!!!!!! Byjingo as if!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking about it I may in time... yawn!!!! ... get enough images together and post some on to a online library to see if I can get some interest....but really must do more shooting... but with one thing and another in this neck of the woods it ain't so easy as it sounds right now.... still day my prints will come !!!!!!

It's about time I started the old UFO up and go take a look at other galaxies's been ages ....
I say vicar take the bishop off that cross byjingo she may rip her frock......
Matron still on the prowl at night but my medication seems to be knocking me out and I wake up...well when I wake up .... all seems well on the old ward....
hold on a tick I just gotta eat this , Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz , snore, cough!!!! Zzzzzzz!!!!!!

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