Saturday 26 September 2009

whatever happend ?????

Great Britain.... well I'm sad to say I don't think it is now !!! Whilst driving through some streets and areas in Birmingham... once the place of the industrial revolution forefathers , I noticed ... well no that's wrong !!! I was smacked in the eye by the changes around that have slowly crept upon this once great and proud land.....
Women used to use cardinal red polish on the front door steps, windows were clean and so were the streets.... alas .. not now !!
Industry has vanished, OK so the smoke and grime from the large factories is not missed or the fact that those beside the canals and rivers cant pour poisons into them .. good point !!!
But its not just that side of English life that has changed byjingo !!! now you can drive down streets and roads , high streets with shops or lack of now!!! Let's face it me old playmates, you could be driving in a foreign country !!!! it's so true !!! and with this the English culture has changed ..... now I'm all for multicultural as a mutant alien I try and fit in and that's where I can see the problem others are not even trying just converting the areas to match where they originate from .... not good ... NO NO NO !!! vicar I'm not a racist... I have many friends from all over the planet and treat em as i would like to be treated myself so dont pull that card out the hat !!!!!

The proof is here just go out and see for yourself.... I even see places flying the UK flag and its all torn and tatty !!! where is the pride !!!!!
Now when I came here to find old uncle Gawd I was told that all humans were from the same DNA .. so I thought it would be one big happy family.....wrong !!! People say that I'm a strange mutant with some rather strange thought , maybe!!! I just feel its a shame that a country can loose its traditional ID and ways ... buried like a pot of gold by the old Anglo Saxon before he strolled into a new town.......

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