Wednesday 15 July 2009

Planet Dread

Another day in Planet Jingo!!!! All well and dandy here byjingo, what...... seems like little old planet Earth has a few problems.... just a few I hear ya shout !!!!!!!
In UK good old chicken back on the media's eye...... we all know they inject water into it at the processing stage but animal protean .... so that the water stays in , thus plump up the chicken ...yuk!!!!! so if its going on in the UK then byjingo the rest of ya prob got same problem...well no problem from the guy selling the stuff ..he laff's all the way to the bank!!!!!
So if they use beef and pork protean in the chicken how do the guys who should not eat beef or pork stand??????? byjingo what about religious beliefs????? ohhhh dear me seems you have a problem Houston.....

Swine flu .... well its out of control in the UK now... stay at home and treat yaself they tell ya...yes we would if we know we got it.... LOL... the tabs they issue are only any good if you use within a few days of finding out ya got the bloody thing!!!!! mass injections!!!! oh yep!! you poison us with food additives and stuff in the tap water so why not ... just jab me and we will see what the outcome is down the road i suppose as with all the great ideas for health issues..... byjove its bad enough having a cocktail of drugs from your doctor and they ain't got a clue what they all do when mixed as a daily dose ...OK may help your illness but most then give ya side effects...but that's cool just pop another drug to combat that!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!

I even had one health consultant prescribe be a drug to help my bone till i got in touch with the manufacturer of said drug to find that it was never tested on males!!!!! and can give ya a problem with ya oesophagus,,,, Oh that's fine then doc ... ill take it no probs for you its me that's the guinea pig is it not ?

wonder why the most richest people on the planet Earth are pharmaceutical people???? hmmm!

Now I know that I don't get that many humans taking a look at all this rubbish i put here but byjingo... I would never go to other humans blogs or forums to create trouble and get em to look at my stuff here..... but its a sad fact that this seems to go on... sad little old humans ... with sad little lives and nothing going on with it who create forums/ sites and get very few humans to join in with em...... Laff ... i could fill me incontinence pants i laff so much at em !!!!! Just because they cant be successful at what they try and do in the life time they have... go and spoil it all ...well try ..others just understand what a pain in the ass these people are..... and how they are so sad and lonely to go to such depths .........

My legal eagles are looking at one such problem i have had but I'm told cant say much on the matter as it looks like it may well go to court..... wonder if i will have to wear a lord!!!!!!
I will let you guys know how that develops and maybe i may be able to tell the whole story, we shall see............

Not too happy with this ...orphan thing going on in the USA... to do with photography and copyrights and intellectual property rights.... that needs a good sorting out for sure, why should togs loose rights to something they create...that just ain't playing ball at all..... but then again do governments play ball with the people who put em in power in the first place?????

well must dash me old playmates .....the motheship is due anytime now and im off to planet DREAD ..... byjingo a nasty place but you do get some bargains in the dna shop..... ta ta for now!!! Tallyho!!!!!!!!

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