Tuesday 6 January 2009

what's new?????

Happy new year all...... Na forget that... lets all have a punch up!!!!! I say vicar... go poke the bishop.......... in the eye with a salmon!!!!!
nothing like starting a new year with a bang!!!!!! or a rocket attack or a tank or even bombing people who just want to live in peace....PEACE ......I said not pieces........
Yes lets all go to war ..you know it makes sense....WHAT ON EARTH!!!!!!!!! well only on earth could this mass killing of fellow humans take place..... all in the name of what?????
OK then the rest of the world shouts STOP!!!!!! well that's after they have sold enough weapons to all ... byjingo must get priority's correct... not to mention most of those that shout STOP!!!! have sent military into other foreign country's and also killed Innocent humans....YOU BLOODY HYPOCRITES!!!!!!
and the churches speak out and say STOP!!!!! and just look into what most of those have started and done to humans..... this is one crazy planet and as time goes on not any of the humans who have the powers and control do jack shit to put an end to any of it.... be it war, poverty,abuse....whatever....... if the majority of humans had a say or any control on the matters the place would probably be a great place to live........ but no it ain't gona happen me old beans...sad ain't it!!!!!
Fairy's ain't real but a god is???????? ohhhh my .....
know wonder old chap Darwin wasn't sure about telling anyone about his theory.
Byjove me old beans...... this may well be my last rant and rave on all this type of subjects and I thinks I will just publish tales about the mad house where I am just sitting in my little box ....
so no more rants about human lifestyle and its time to open the box and let out DREADZEPS....
and if you think all this previous stuff was a little crazy ....well, just wait till you enter the world of a mutant alien known as DREADZEPS.... upset him with comments at your own peril... he will play with ya mind and twist ya head till it hurts....
On this day ... the Dread will unleash a world of madness and maybe the odd laugh on planet earth...... he ain't got nothing to loose ..... he lost it years ago!!!!!!!!!!!

that's all folks!!!!!!!!!!

for now!!!!!! MUHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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