Friday 27 March 2009

that moaning old git is back....about time too!!!

I say !!!!!…. What was that ? …… One day here the next gone …. Must have been something in the vicars tea … anyway welcome back to the world of Dreadzep’s ….
Now By jingo … where shall we start…hmmmmmm … OK how about the fact of those Peers and MP’S that were involved with the old Kray twins have been named but the rest that are still alive today are protected and shall not be named …. Or the Peers that had money to change laws for cash for company’s and just say sorry and that’s it …… oh yes that’s all fine and jolly dandy….
And what ever happened to the cash for honours?????????
Byjingo as a working class alien from Zog why on earth do we all let them get away with it?????
Ahhh well that’s because we always have and always will …. Were all mouth and no trousers …..
Welcome to the 21st Century … we are still ruled by people who as long as it all goes well for them the rest of us peasants can just rot …..
Then again I don’t class em as people .. Just greedy perverted and sick shits that once in the house of politics it’s a case of I'm alright jack and stuff you all!!!!!
So how to stop it???? If we all stood shoulder to shoulder with each other it may be possible but I'm dreaming …. All mouth and no trousers ….
We seem to be in a world that is just a world of Disney .. Make believe .. Why???? Well lets see … hmmmm how about racism …. Not much around these days ….. BULL … the worlds full of it…… just don’t tell people your real thoughts and beliefs and all will be well …..
The people who have the power tell you crime is getting under control … BULL… they cant even keep crime , drugs, rape, out of a building they call prison so if they cant control a building what hope in hell do they think they could control a city or a country ……
How many things have been swept under a carpet so that the rest of us never find out what goes on I suspect lots of stuff has been and is being covered up and kept quiet …. But we shall never know , as no one has the balls to uncover any of the things that become secret and covered up …. Now if these people who stand up for us keep the game going on that just shows you how honest they must be …
Stuff based and sworn on the holly bible is another pile of crap…. How can a defence lawyer try to get his client off from crime tells lies and makes up stuff how do they get away with that???????
Now where do I stand if I do a crime and tell them that God told me to do it … all of a sudden I must be mad but how can I be if he told me do they not believe me???? Or do they also know that its all a scam ok to swear and tell the truth the whole truth so help me god but if god tells you to do something you must be making it all up or mad ….. Byjingo I cant understand this corrupt world we live in….
Do you ???????

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