Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Lasts post

Byjingo me old friends ...this will be my last post on here for a time as Im really not feeling good at sense of humour cell in the back end of me brain seems to have taken a walk...thing over the last couple of months have taken a turn down shit street and my own health is not the best, infact I not felt like this for some time. So ....what to write about ? nowt thought I would just post this and thank you guys who have been reading and just let ya know thats it for a while....
wish you all the best me old playmates
Dreadzeps ;-)

Saturday, 3 July 2010

What??? Football !!!!!!

Yes four years have gone and World Cup here again..well byjingo for some but not the England team.....I say matron pass another one of those pink pills , Im going to talk about football....GULP!!!!  
now where was I ...ahhhh yes England team...well maybe team is the wrong word to use this time...what ya think Bishop???  say no more then my dear old girl ...say no more....
They were crap...and thats a good word for how they played, well say played perhaps thats too strong a word to use. They train , they play  , they live football the best get picked to play for your country...byjingo how proud would that make ya feel...then to walk on a pitch and not even sin the National Anthem....well  ...he must be too good for us all ...yes I'm talkin Rooney.... byjove  he looked like a Sunday football player not a top notch man who makes a mint from the game.....
They didn't play as a team , they could not even pass to each other and all that training....for what???? thought they would be skillfully at the game would you not....Bishop!!!! STOP KICKING THE VICARS BALL!!!!!   now back to the groan....I hope they are ashamed of themselves..I can hope but I bet they ain't at all!!!!!
Still lets get back to reallity...oh dear another pill please matron me blood pressure seems to be rather high!!!! 

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Peace be with them all....

My heart goes out to those involved in the shooting up north....thinking about ya all....Peace..

Now!!!  For the rest of you old humans and MP's and those who have the powers to change things on this crazy Planet....Don't get on the band wagon like most of the media and lets face it's just another great story for those guys...Ban the gun??? This ain't gona do nothing to stop things like this going on, get you end up ban the car or the truck because let's face it one day some loony is going to create mayhem and a massacre with one of these...just drive down a high street and bing!!!  job done... it could be that easy...
So what can be done.... as I have tried many times its all about Law and discipline get that right and it could go a long way to sorting out many of your planets problems both criminal and social.... but again none of you will take notice of what some crazy mutant alien who lives on another planet will say...WILL YA????

It's jolly well time you did take note and act on it!!!!!!
The whole sad and sorry tale of what went on can never be changed and those lost will never return but don't pull punches on any lessons learned in the process of finding out what went on and most of all act on it!!!!
Don't drag stuff out for years to try and sort it out... that helps shat all ....

When you stop and look at human life lots of stuff goes on every day , month and year and those who could change things do fek all...they may come up with ideas and plans but talk is cheap...act now!!!
You humans make me laugh at times...and one of the biggest problems you have is greed for cash... no problems where it comes from or how many humans loose lives through your cash making schemes and industries...if you make things that can kill then you will sell and not really be bothered who or what to as long as your bank accounts and shares go up...start to think more about what it is you produce before you sell it on the open market place!!!!!!

Thursday, 27 May 2010

KICK ASS ... sort those who do and those who don't!!!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!  I could crush a grape!!!!!  Byjingo!!!  yes you guessed it I'm throwing a wobbler!!!  LOL
New Gov in the UK... now for some of you that have not read the blog from the start, WHY NOT.... LOL
you have missed the best bit's.....I was on fighting form in those days byjingo!!! where was we..ahhhh!! yes! I'm on Incapacity Benefits here ..5k per year income.. and I'm not knocking it ..if not for that help I would be sunk... " GET OFF YA ASS" I hear the shout... well if I could  believe me I would...  I try but my health has a hold on me for sure...all my medical records.x rays , cat , the problems I have and as time has ticked on so has my mind... mental health issues...don't panic I ain't gona track ya down or stalk ya ..when you keep getting knocked down by your own body it soon starts to work on ya head byjingo!!!!
still I keep my sense of humor and that seems to carry me through it all... just!!!! still have good and bad days but don't we all?????
I hear the Gov will crack down on those on Inc Cap ben and so they should.. lots out  walking about or running about... on the fiddle for sure... even the people who check them out, and thats a bloody joke ... tell em how to do this and that... IE fill in a form for claim..keep a copy so you remember what you said!!! bloody hell if you are ill you don't need a copy of a bloody form to remind ya what to say!!!!!  pisses me off!!!
Get real... look into the cases and read medical info if claim has none then what the feck are they trying to pull??? and yet you crazy Benefits bosses fall for it....forget the Political correct gang  get tough... 
Some humans I have met need extra help and don't get any because all the cash goes to a lot who and lets face it's like the MP's are committing fraud... if caught deal with em hard because they are tacking the piss out of the country and all those that work 100%....  KICK ASS!!!!!
Now I suppose I will get the letters asking me to go to some seedy office ..where I will be put under interrogation why ain't I working... all this causes me upset.... Ahhh !!!  I hear... no hate any sympathy really makes me nut's they think I love having medication that feks up and causes other problems... READ medical history and find those that are tacking the piss..... I am playing at photography at the mo ..and through asking for some critique on my images have had people say why not do it as a job...I would if I could stop the kidney stone and bone disease problems... don't you think how much it pisses me off to not be able to get out every day.... too many take it for granted and until they fall ill will never know what it is like to cope with poor health....controlled by some degree by drugs, not for the high but to remove pain.
Alas I have asked for  Benefit people to come and see what its like and talk with me to find out more about my life ......but they never reply or come to talk with me.... now my health issues ain't as bad as some I know..  who need help... so come on Gov bring it on and sort it out .... it's about time .. and kick ass!!!!!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

YAWN!!!! That was some medication.....

Byjingo me old playmates that was sure some strong medication I had...what!!!...I say old bean....gave me some right bad dreams....thought a general election had gone on and no winners...phew!!! as if!!!! then thought the Libs  had joined up with Cons..... it gets jolly worse than that....Nicky Cleggy said "it's what the voters wanted"....errrrrrrr!!! HOLD ON A SEC YOU CAD SIR!!!!! ..... the voters did not vote in any winner because they sick to the high teeth with all the crap you MP's get away with..... Byjingo ...that ain't no dream....ohhhh dear me what we gonna do now....smell of big shit once these guys see the books and find out just how much crap we UK people are in.... then a budget...ohhhhh no!!!! V.A.T.  will go up for sure and they will tell us no more taxing us as we are....hmmmmm usual truth from the mouths of the golden ones..I say golden because they full of piss.... and just love taking the piss from us UK  residents.....
Oh well no probs , I give em 6 months then they will fall out and another election ...same result..lets face it ain't one party that don't take the piss!!!!
better try and get me Canon 10d before the VAT gets it...... as if ..I just go see the Bishops mate repro Jake, he was in the nick for copying 500 Euro notes and if he ain't he will be soon...LOL...
Talking of Euro byjingo ...that is not the most stable cash on the block  I give that another 6 years then it will be gone!!!!! you see!!!
Greece  in the mud , what ..I say old bean  jolly bad show but who to blame ...bussinesse's keep 2 sets of books one for tax man the other telling the truth..then the people in power are corrupt as most Gov top dogs are... it's gonna be jolly tough over in that place for some time .. and which country next. Spain .Italy or Port.....ohhh well matrons on the way round to give me my medication again...never have been happy with the stuff but thats life old day I will get out of here and take over the world...and pigs will fly!!! toodle-pip for now ........

Friday, 12 March 2010

no dock!!!

well my incontinence pants almost burst and flooded my cell here yesterday... the MP's asked if they could just sit in the court and not in the dock!!!! who do they think they are, this attitude just shows how they think they are above the rest...they are not and they did the fraud/crime which in my book in a fair society then they should be punished for it....I doubt that they will  be locked up for a few years and if they did it would not be with the rest of the criminals thats for sure...byjingo I'm the mutant alien on this planet and even I know how the humans feel about all this crap..they don't trust the MP's anymore thats a fact!!!!!!  and can you blame not at all.... hold on a second the bishops just punched the vicar on the nose again!!!!
anyway that takes us to another problem...seems a lot of religious people like to abuse others that all seems mighty strange to me and my kind... the things that go on under the cloak of religion makes us wonder if it's just that , a cloak that slightly mental health issues can hide behind...lets face it most say thou cant do this and thou should not do that and yet the humans involved with the religions do things that none religious people would call despicable and downright evil.......  we wont go into all the wars and troubles that humans get into about religion as whatever is said will never in a thousand years make one bit a difference to the problems.... go on smack him on the head just because he believes in a different religion from you...that make a whole lota sense does that... and it's me who is crazy????????

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Never learn will ya?????

Byjingo , I'm told that I'm nuts but most humans take the grand first prize....How come the powers who be  will never learn that locking someone up for doing a crime is just a pure waste of good honest taxpayers money... To lock em up for crime such as murder for life , then let em out again in a few years time...ahhh but whilst they have been locked up they have seen the light , they have been taught the good ways to live and treat other humans as they would like to be treated...and they find God so they must be of sound mind and good old honest humans now!!!!!!
Wrong you dickheads...and you know it, why you let them out beats me and many others , will you do anything about it.... will ya heck!!!!
And so it goes on murder, abuse, small children and old humans to the criminal it makes no difference they just see what they want to see....Infact thinking about it , does that not make the people who dish out the prison sentence and look after the bastards just as guilty as the criminal in my book.

Never in a million years will those who have the power to change things do a thing about it....the way it is now is the way it will always be.......
I see one of the bastards that killed little Jamie on the railway track after having another ID back in trouble again so that proves that the criminal system does not work... How many more honest humans will loose a life to the bastards who dint give a shat..... I just hope the humans that set up his ID  and helped him with his life  feel guilty at what they let loose on the world...they wont...but I hope they do....
Tax payers pay a fortune every week to keep the scum locked up while humans who are sick and need things are left because of the shortage of cash ... seems rather a silly system to me but what do I know ....Im nut's......or maybe the ones who says your nut's are the ones that live in a perfect dream like state all of the time...then again the election is around the bend so the next lot will sort it all out...after they have taken what they can for themselves first..look affter number one and shit on the rest, unless they do crime you can always help them can't ya ?

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Mother nature will sort ya all the end

My heart goes out to the troops in Afghanistan, I told ya all about they would use cash to try and buy the Taliban ..then they try to take another part of the country but tell the Taliban when and what they are doing!!!!  This is just all now political and the troops are on the front line of it all , that's not the right thing to do is it?
Still no good going on about it we ain't gona change anyones point are we...
What else is going on in this crazy planet , well a TV presenter tell how he killed his lover then gets arrested, did he think they would just let his story pass without action!!!!
Then we have had the fashion designer who killed himself a day before his mothers funeral..that's all a bit sad did none of his friends see how bad the guy was?
For some reason we are being asked should the jury system be changed!!!!!  BYJINGO  the whole criminal and law system should be sorted out it's in one hell of a mess ain't it you dumb feks!!!!!!

Then you had the Brit cant wait till the next show...NOT!!! 
So many things on this planet are in the shite and all they seem to do, they being the humans that can change the place, is just talk about it....and that never changes a bloody thing at the end of the day...
It's about time old uncle Gawd came back and sorted this whole planet out once and for all...then again old mother nature seems to be doing a fine job of it , just a bit slow thats all......

Monday, 8 February 2010

MP's I shat em!!!!!!!

Well me old beans ,what a surprise!!! out of all the MP'S that committed fraud only four go up for it....then again they won't . seems they are protected by ancient rights...How can they get away with all this crap when those rights are 100's of years old and the things they have done could not of even been thought of protecting in the days they were written.... told ya ages ago these stupid rights and laws should be thrown out and new updated ones brought in.....can't any of these people at the top see what they are creating here... soon you will get trouble on the streets of the UK at this rate..and as for voting who in their right mind will vote, FOR WHO AND WHY??????.....
It's all going pear shaped and not a person here cares only for themselves , back to greed yet again....

Then you get a 23 year old guy who has been involved in the church for years who gets caught showing and writing about abusing children on the web.... he gets 12 years of which 6 will be in prison!!!! what about the other 6 ?  ... byjingo most people would just like him locked up and key thrown away.... but alas this will never be....

How many of you guys out in the UK have problems with rat's...byjingo they seem to be all over the place in hundreds.... report it and a few get killed ...why not have a mass kill and get rid of as many as possible because this is going to get to the point where they will be living in peoples homes if they ain't doing it allready.....
Maybe the MP's and the pedo and rats should all be put in the same place that would make great TV programe... beat big brother hand down me thinks.....
take care me old playmates and av fun!!!!!

Saturday, 30 January 2010

*****NEWS FLASH******

OK me old beans ....  new domain....
should take you to new web site ..not yet 100% finished, but take a peek and join up or sign the guest book
thank you!!!!

Thursday, 28 January 2010

I need a kick up the butt!!!!!!!

So sorry me old playmates been a while since I posted on here........still here it is... now is he going to moan ?
You bet!!!!!!!!!!
Byjingo its a bit dark in the old cell of mine I may ask for a new candle...the bishop used the last one, don't ask!!!!!!!!
Now , if the Sahara Desert had rivers flowing  through it, which it did do!... well then came a climate change and all the rivers dried still with me old beans ? Then what caused that, can't blame man  that time..was it not just mother nature ?  and as I have told you before ait that whats going on again but man saying it's me... so they can earn a fortune from it ? stop and think about it all........
Ahhh !!! me old kidney stones are playing me up again..take a pain killer for them but ok it takes away the pain but as with all tablet's it aint going to cure me..byjingo one does get rather down in the dumps when ones health is up the shoot!!!!!! Problem is once a pill is taken  hour affter it kills the pain but takes half me head with it...not nice at all !!!
Still soon be back to normal ...till the next time... meanwhile it's about time I went out and done some shooting with me old camera.. wildlife is my main passion...not too much of that on the streets of Birmingham I can tell ya, apart from the human wildlife and plenty of that around here ..byjingo!!!  It's a strange thing but when im out in Zog... a place in Shropshire , I can walk about with me camera and not even think about getting it stolen or worse but in Birmingham ...that's another story... mind you I dare anyone to try and take my camera... byjingo would not get far as Im down as a nut case so best wear some body armour because I will show no mercy!!!!
Nothing worse than trying to remove a triod from ones rectum  and even more so if the legs are open full....OUCHHHHHH!!!! brings tears to me eye just thinking about it.... I am thinking of doing this photography thing for real but its my bloody health that lets me down all the bleedin time....we shall see...
Not much going on in the news around the planet apart from the old earthquake, poor people , where was God then ?
Well thats all for now sorry not much going on at the mo..lets see what good old time brings for the next one...mind you im working on a new web site   take a peek and let me know what ya think on the guest book......

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

No more moaning from me in 2010!!!!!

OK so it didn't last long!!!!! UK gov want to put warnings on who will read it!!!!!! FOOLS...
no sorry I don't want another bottle it takes me over the health limit, yea , right!!!!! more smoke screens while the fact that they did fraud with expenses and not a lot going to happen about it, you try it with ya tax form!!!!!!!
And so good old mother nature throws a little snow our way...well it is winter and you guys have had enough time to stock up on salt to keep the wheels of the system rolling....well why did we run out you twats!!!!!!
if you never used it this year you could use it next and save money as its bound to cost ya more in the future but no , the powers who be ain't got the brain cell they were born with......

Now its OK for UK humans to remove the snow from front of your property yet before you were told if any person slips ya will get sued...make ya minds up.... ya twats...

UK Police told don't get so heavy with photographers...will they listen?????
Anti terror my arse... go google maps or use a small camera phone not bloody big DSLR cameras... Gezus your a bunch of twats.... it was the Gov that put IRA killers in Westminster... LOL... yes you guessed it!!!! YOU TWATS....
And so back in the real world next time you humans vote , which will be sometime this year, think on...make sure you never vote a twat in Wesminster..........
Happy New Bloody Year........

Monday, 4 January 2010


My photoblog is no more..thank you for all those that looked at it...

New Year, New Thought's!!!!!!

Byjingo old chaps , that went quick!!!! Xmas  that is! ..... hold on a tick must just see what the Bishops doing.. last night I found her wearing strange clothing made from tin foil !!! 
It's OK she thinks she will try going into space this year so was trying to make a spacesuit..... 
Now  where are we...hmmm ahh!! yes ... new year  2010... Byjove when I was a small mutant I thought all the old Dan Dare stuff would be in place but not so... although when you take a look at what we have all lived through over the last 10 - 20  years or so , byjingo ...techno changes or what !!!!
Must remember to clean out the cell this year it's getting rather damp and dark....  might even get a tin of whitewash and do the walls!!!!
This is the year for the old General Erection er!!! no that don't sound right me old playmates!!!!!  ahhh !!!! no it's a General Election in the old UK this year....that should change things !! not on my arse will it... Whoever gets put in charge will make a balls up of it .. I bet ya!!!!!
We will hear all the promises of this and that and none will ever fall into place , same old story....

Let's forget all that crap anyway ...why not make 2010 the year of fun ! I say old chaps , byjingo  what? .. jolly good show I'm up for that ....
This planet needs a total change of plan I say.... all thats seems to be going on here is marketing and trying to get humans to buy this or buy that..LOL... what about these so called guys who put a book on the market on how to get rich or self development and a lot of so called intelligent humans go and buy em !!!!! LOL you silly old sods or should that be you stupid fools !!!!  it's the guy who wrote the bloody book that gets the cash ...dumb or what!!!!!!!!!
No wonder the planets in the shitehouse!!!  try thinking for oneself use your own head not get brainwashed by the ones who make all the cash... still can't tell ya can I ya think I'm nut's !!!  well OK so maybe I am but at least I told ya so!!!!!!
Byjingo whats that smell? hold on a tick!!!!!!!  .............. TICK
I say vicar what on earth av you done with the Bishop ? .... dear me ... just because you found her lying on the kitchen table from too much Gin intake and all wrapped up in tin foil , you thought it was the goose for the oven!!!!!!!!  well at least the Bishop is still breathing but does look rather crisp around the outside!!!! WHAT????? OHHHH NO Vicar don't tell me you stuffed it!!!!
HAPPY  NEW YEAR ALL !!!!!!!!!!