Thursday 3 June 2010

Peace be with them all....

My heart goes out to those involved in the shooting up north....thinking about ya all....Peace..

Now!!!  For the rest of you old humans and MP's and those who have the powers to change things on this crazy Planet....Don't get on the band wagon like most of the media and lets face it's just another great story for those guys...Ban the gun??? This ain't gona do nothing to stop things like this going on, get you end up ban the car or the truck because let's face it one day some loony is going to create mayhem and a massacre with one of these...just drive down a high street and bing!!!  job done... it could be that easy...
So what can be done.... as I have tried many times its all about Law and discipline get that right and it could go a long way to sorting out many of your planets problems both criminal and social.... but again none of you will take notice of what some crazy mutant alien who lives on another planet will say...WILL YA????

It's jolly well time you did take note and act on it!!!!!!
The whole sad and sorry tale of what went on can never be changed and those lost will never return but don't pull punches on any lessons learned in the process of finding out what went on and most of all act on it!!!!
Don't drag stuff out for years to try and sort it out... that helps shat all ....

When you stop and look at human life lots of stuff goes on every day , month and year and those who could change things do fek all...they may come up with ideas and plans but talk is cheap...act now!!!
You humans make me laugh at times...and one of the biggest problems you have is greed for cash... no problems where it comes from or how many humans loose lives through your cash making schemes and industries...if you make things that can kill then you will sell and not really be bothered who or what to as long as your bank accounts and shares go up...start to think more about what it is you produce before you sell it on the open market place!!!!!!

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