Tuesday 28 February 2017


I say my old chaps .....How on earth are you all doing ? please let me know.
For the last 12 human years I have been looking after my earth mother with lots of help from my human wife....so that's going to be some story to tell ya all...indeed, laugh , cried and sadness.

But for now were just glad to be back me old playmates, starting life again but with a few years added to my alien soul... which in case some of you humans don't know is the good old  DNA your parents and their parents passed on for hundreds of years to you. Yes indeed my playmates DNA is your soul.

Since we last spoke I have become a radio operator and can legally talk to humans around the world and in outer space. Byjingo it is great hobby to take up and not just talk but most of the time building antennas to receive and transmit   amongst other projects of which their are many. I sent out my sos as after having what you guy's call a stroke I was given a ct scan on my brain only to find that on the right hand side a hole is developing BYJINGO !!!!!  A FEKIN REAL HOLE... it was about seven mm by five mm when they found it and my doctor told me I need to see a neurosurgeon , that was bad news and as many of you know and understand my strange alien way's I did not go, but here I am.

I have such a lot of things to tell you and most will I hope make you smile and maybe if Im good enough laff ya self silly.
For newcomers or noobs , byjove Im so hip, you may need to go back through time in my blog which you can search somewhere on here , to understand what Im about and how not to take stuff I say as serious and to heart, let's av some fun.

Now I need somehow to find out if you humans are reading this very valuable and hidden info that I give so please sign up to follow as I fell out with the great god Googley about addsense or something  like that , they said I was asking people to go on my blog to put up my counts THIS WAS  BS .
So I do not wish to use them, maybe now I have restarted they may kick me or block we shall see but it was their loss not mine.

cheers and good beers for now

Monday 26 May 2014

Byjingo, 4 years !!!

Well I say Vicar....looking at my last few post's I found that the last world cup was only down the road, Byjingo how time fly's...
O.K. before we know it yesterday has been and gone, where's the Bishop me old son.......oh him, he went off to vote....Vote !!!! for who, I just cannot get my head around how you humans function, I could understand it if you vote for people or part's you know and understand but like sheep you just do it !!! Why ?????
In this day and age of corruption from the small business to the large megga business and not forgetting the so called people in power you still never ever just stand up and think as individuals. Ahhh shout's up the Vicar see you should keep your alien nose out of politics and such  because you do not vote for anyone...
I would vote if I could find someone who I could trust and know that what they say is what they would do me old bean....But fact's is fact's, If you vote because you believe that if you do not vote then keep your moth shut then that also proves you are not an individual just a product of the powers who control this stupid and sick world you have created. Now on the other hand if you stood up to the powers who be in charge and say no votes to count , would that not send home a bigger message than just a vote for some other twat to keep the wheels of the powers moving. Would the fact that the amount of humans that do vote is falling to a point where the powers are getting a little bit of a clue that the humans are pissed off .....They are getting that but still the sheep vote and that's just not going to cut the mustard old bean.
Now !!!! if you have it to the point where on the day of voting all poll stations are empty, and not a vote is cast would that not bring it to the point that the time has come to sort out the sorry mess this planet is in, because as it stands now your just all going to keep on moaning about this and that and keep the powerful one's happy , rich and laughing all the way to the next big fat lunch , whilst you little humans just struggle to pay your bills and save enough cash to feed the kid's.

Well that's my rant over your political system over on this planet, it's time for a good laugh !!! Problem is not a lot left to laugh at as the powers who be are making everything politically correct and  "that's human right's".....Ohhhh fek it Vicar get out the drugs ....let's party !!!!!!!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Where do I start ?

Byjingo Playmates tis a while since I did this, the Vicar and Bishop still remain here with me and they now have a friend staying with them father Mick. Hmmmmm !!!! not too sure about him, but more will be said in other post's.
What's new on the the news today shouts the Vicar over the breakfast table, what shouts the Bishop come over here, I really must get rid of all these tables , breakfast table, dinner table, lunch table and super table really is getting rather cramped in here.
Anyway, lot's of stuff to cover since my last but one post years ago...Byjingo how time has flown...O.K Vicar how abot the idea kid's don't call teachers Sir or Miss  how great that is in my day teacher came with shirt and tie and very smart and miss was a classy woman also, then came the  casual look !!!! ...scruffy bastardos I say , idle and no respect given by the kids,byjingo they don't respect Ma and Pa so teacher got no chance. Then again I had a very good friend who worked as a lab tech for a few schools back in the 80's and 90's and he told us the teachers were just as if not  less respectful and very clicky with each other and if ya face don't fit ya a bitch. I suppose it's even worse today. Back on Planet Jingo if you did not respect you did not go to school...simple.

I say old chaps the football kicks off soon  World Cup !!!!!  Now why England are in it gawd knows ...for the cup shout's up the Bishop, don'e be an ass says Vic the only cup will be tea nothing else, they will just make yet another mess of it all, well shouts out Mick you never know dey mey well win de fekin thing.
Ahhhhhh !!!! let's just see shall we.

U.K. votes soon another farce, and this Nigela Faragoe looks like causing a upset, problem is with you humans, you say your going to vote for it but just look at the stat's for the turn out's on past vote's , Hmmm !!
Make's one think , yep but most will vote for it you see . Well vote for UKIPS just to  make a point is a dangerous thing why not make a true and massive point by NOT VOTING AT ALL FOR ANY OF EM !! ???
Well if ya dont vote you should not talk politics they say.....TWAT'S .... so your telling me you must vote for people and part's who you do not understand, let alone know anything about ?????
Would it not make those who are in power look at things if no one turned up and put a vote in a box , I think that would say the people have the power not the runt's who think they have the power and controll of the good old U.K. but alas im just an alien with a hole in his brain so I can't possibly know what im doing ....CAN I ???????????????

Oh well better get ready for bed as it will soon be another day , will be back soon with some more true and strange things to say, keep and eye out.

Must dash , the guy's are calling C.Q (more about this next time )

Thursday 24 April 2014


Hello playmates, it's been a long time and lot's to tell you about so stay tuned and put on some incontinence pant's because your going to piss yaself at some of this information about the life of a mutant alien,

Best of all it's now confirmed and I hope to show you some document's that I have been telling you fact not fiction.

This is the first post just to let yas know I'm back for how long aint sure as im waiting for the arteries in my brain to blow and then it's good night all the mutant has left the planet.

Keep reading.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Lasts post

Byjingo me old friends ...this will be my last post on here for a time as Im really not feeling good at all...my sense of humour cell in the back end of me brain seems to have taken a walk...thing over the last couple of months have taken a turn down shit street and my own health is not the best, infact I not felt like this for some time. So ....what to write about ? nowt ...so thought I would just post this and thank you guys who have been reading and just let ya know thats it for a while....
wish you all the best me old playmates
Dreadzeps ;-)

Saturday 3 July 2010

What??? Football !!!!!!

Yes four years have gone and World Cup here again..well byjingo ..was...is for some but not the England team.....I say matron pass another one of those pink pills , Im going to talk about football....GULP!!!!  
now where was I ...ahhhh yes England team...well maybe team is the wrong word to use this time...what ya think Bishop???  say no more then my dear old girl ...say no more....
They were crap...and thats a good word for how they played, well say played perhaps thats too strong a word to use. They train , they play  , they live football ...so the best get picked to play for your country...byjingo how proud would that make ya feel...then to walk on a pitch and not even sin the National Anthem....well  ...he must be too good for us all ...yes I'm talkin Rooney.... byjove  he looked like a Sunday football player not a top notch man who makes a mint from the game.....
They didn't play as a team , they could not even pass to each other and all that training....for what???? thought they would be skillfully at the game would you not....Bishop!!!! STOP KICKING THE VICARS BALL!!!!!   now back to the groan....I hope they are ashamed of themselves..I can hope but I bet they ain't at all!!!!!
Still lets get back to reallity...oh dear another pill please matron me blood pressure seems to be rather high!!!! 

Thursday 3 June 2010

Peace be with them all....

My heart goes out to those involved in the shooting up north....thinking about ya all....Peace..

Now!!!  For the rest of you old humans and MP's and those who have the powers to change things on this crazy Planet....Don't get on the band wagon like most of the media and lets face it ..it's just another great story for those guys...Ban the gun??? This ain't gona do nothing to stop things like this going on, get real...do you end up ban the car or the truck because let's face it one day some loony is going to create mayhem and a massacre with one of these...just drive down a high street and bing!!!  job done... it could be that easy...
So what can be done.... as I have tried many times its all about Law and discipline get that right and it could go a long way to sorting out many of your planets problems both criminal and social.... but again none of you will take notice of what some crazy mutant alien who lives on another planet will say...WILL YA????

It's jolly well time you did take note and act on it!!!!!!
The whole sad and sorry tale of what went on can never be changed and those lost will never return but don't pull punches on any lessons learned in the process of finding out what went on and most of all act on it!!!!
Don't drag stuff out for years to try and sort it out... that helps shat all ....

When you stop and look at human life lots of stuff goes on every day , month and year and those who could change things do fek all...they may come up with ideas and plans but talk is cheap...act now!!!
You humans make me laugh at times...and one of the biggest problems you have is greed for cash... no problems where it comes from or how many humans loose lives through your cash making schemes and industries...if you make things that can kill then you will sell and not really be bothered who or what to as long as your bank accounts and shares go up...start to think more about what it is you produce before you sell it on the open market place!!!!!!