Monday, 26 May 2014

Byjingo, 4 years !!!

Well I say Vicar....looking at my last few post's I found that the last world cup was only down the road, Byjingo how time fly's...
O.K. before we know it yesterday has been and gone, where's the Bishop me old son.......oh him, he went off to vote....Vote !!!! for who, I just cannot get my head around how you humans function, I could understand it if you vote for people or part's you know and understand but like sheep you just do it !!! Why ?????
In this day and age of corruption from the small business to the large megga business and not forgetting the so called people in power you still never ever just stand up and think as individuals. Ahhh shout's up the Vicar see you should keep your alien nose out of politics and such  because you do not vote for anyone...
I would vote if I could find someone who I could trust and know that what they say is what they would do me old bean....But fact's is fact's, If you vote because you believe that if you do not vote then keep your moth shut then that also proves you are not an individual just a product of the powers who control this stupid and sick world you have created. Now on the other hand if you stood up to the powers who be in charge and say no votes to count , would that not send home a bigger message than just a vote for some other twat to keep the wheels of the powers moving. Would the fact that the amount of humans that do vote is falling to a point where the powers are getting a little bit of a clue that the humans are pissed off .....They are getting that but still the sheep vote and that's just not going to cut the mustard old bean.
Now !!!! if you have it to the point where on the day of voting all poll stations are empty, and not a vote is cast would that not bring it to the point that the time has come to sort out the sorry mess this planet is in, because as it stands now your just all going to keep on moaning about this and that and keep the powerful one's happy , rich and laughing all the way to the next big fat lunch , whilst you little humans just struggle to pay your bills and save enough cash to feed the kid's.

Well that's my rant over your political system over on this planet, it's time for a good laugh !!! Problem is not a lot left to laugh at as the powers who be are making everything politically correct and  "that's human right's".....Ohhhh fek it Vicar get out the drugs ....let's party !!!!!!!

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