Tuesday 28 February 2017


I say my old chaps .....How on earth are you all doing ? please let me know.
For the last 12 human years I have been looking after my earth mother with lots of help from my human wife....so that's going to be some story to tell ya all...indeed, laugh , cried and sadness.

But for now were just glad to be back me old playmates, starting life again but with a few years added to my alien soul... which in case some of you humans don't know is the good old  DNA your parents and their parents passed on for hundreds of years to you. Yes indeed my playmates DNA is your soul.

Since we last spoke I have become a radio operator and can legally talk to humans around the world and in outer space. Byjingo it is great hobby to take up and not just talk but most of the time building antennas to receive and transmit   amongst other projects of which their are many. I sent out my sos as after having what you guy's call a stroke I was given a ct scan on my brain only to find that on the right hand side a hole is developing BYJINGO !!!!!  A FEKIN REAL HOLE... it was about seven mm by five mm when they found it and my doctor told me I need to see a neurosurgeon , that was bad news and as many of you know and understand my strange alien way's I did not go, but here I am.

I have such a lot of things to tell you and most will I hope make you smile and maybe if Im good enough laff ya self silly.
For newcomers or noobs , byjove Im so hip, you may need to go back through time in my blog which you can search somewhere on here , to understand what Im about and how not to take stuff I say as serious and to heart, let's av some fun.

Now I need somehow to find out if you humans are reading this very valuable and hidden info that I give so please sign up to follow as I fell out with the great god Googley about addsense or something  like that , they said I was asking people to go on my blog to put up my counts THIS WAS  BS .
So I do not wish to use them, maybe now I have restarted they may kick me or block we shall see but it was their loss not mine.

cheers and good beers for now

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