Tuesday 23 December 2008

Ready or Not.....

Well me old chaps...this is it....Byjingo another couple of days of food, wine and beer..... turkey, pork, beef, game....... byjingo!!! pickle ... pie ... sweets... cream ... crackers ..... nuts.......food food food....
and the rate people are running about the shops spend spend spend.....all for what??????? two bloody days!!!!!!!!!!!
OK so its GeZus birthday but not many are celebrating that if they be honest...come to think about it not many even knew him.........still whatever floats your battleship!!!!!! tallyho!!!!

thought about watching the big square box monster but the same old crap on again I see !!!!
Laugh!!!! I think I may pop and see the bishop Xmas eve night and ask him if he as ever spoke or even seen the main geezer!!!!!!!
I doubt it...... how many ever have in the last 2k years??????
the vicars gone out on the piss... again!!!!!! he will roll back in to the ward half cut..again!!!!
Byjingo I sometimes wonder if I should have told my shrink that its a God that speaks to me and has told me who I really am?????? I wonder if they would section me then????
Cant see as they could do a lot if they all go to the churches and places of prayer and Rome......
why should they same its me that's lost it when they run the whole of society based on what the gods have told others!!!!!!!!!!gets me jolly well confused this planet ....

and the other week I was the one who was questioned about my sanity!!!!!!!!!
Why ????
Well that old star story is a load of twaddle... byjingo... it was the mother ship dropping off GeZus from Zog but that's another story.....
Now don't forget me over the Xmas Holiday..... after you ate and drunk when you come to sit on the mighty throne of dumpland just sit back and think........ ahhh old Dreadzeps may be the one who does speak the truth.......... as you shat all that cash down the pan of dreams!!!!!!!!
go on laugh i dare ya and when someone says are you alright dear shout back.....byjingo never been so good....... muhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

Well see ya next year I hope.... byjingo!!!!
have a great time and if you don't get what you wanted for Xmas so what!!!!!! you got the most precious gift any human could have........LIFE !!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The Year is here so WELCOME to it.
    Hope you got through the turkeyshoot but kept something in reserve to properly pay tribute to the spirits of Hogmananny and the Ne'erday ne'erdowell followers.

    All the best for 2009



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