Tuesday 14 October 2008

Day One

Byjingo!!! Where do I start!!! well I ain't going to be in the same format as everyone else that's for sure.
I'm a 50 year old Zogonian..sent from Zog as I was a little different from the rest..well ok I'm a mutant alien...although I do look human but not on the same wavelength as most.
I'm into photography and thinking out of the box if possible. Based in the U.K.....

Well start at the start as they say... born in 1958 .. father was in the Royal Corp Of Signals...the good old M.O.D. sent him to Japan ...Hiroshima for some rest and recoup for a few days... byjingo that was one hell of a Holiday camp in those days, what!!!! I say ...rather old boy!!
Anyway I have been ill for a number of years now with low bone density problems and producing Kidney stones most of the time.... Byjove if I could polish em up and set into rings I would be rich today for sure.
As time ticked past me whilst not feeling too good and unable to work I discovered through brain transmissions that I am really a alien mutant from a planet called Zog!!!!
But because of problems on Zog a few of us left the planet and found a planet just up the road from Zog that was uninhabited, so we have now taken it over and named it Planet Jingo.

Now I'm starting to get a little lost with the plot here so may take some time out but as an Zogonian we do seem to wonder off subject quite a lot of the time..... and our English is not the worlds best but us Zogonians believe that you should just say it how it is and no beating around the bush..... Ahhh!!!! my garden but that's another thing.....

Hopefully you will be able to follow my little Blog even though we may all end up barking up the wrong dingo.... I have been told that some think I'm nut's but ehhh ho!! each to ya own I say,what! rather old bean ... more tea vicar...
As time tick's on you will understand or maybe not !!! what I'm going on about and may raise a smile on ya face!

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