Wednesday 3 December 2008

21st Century ??????

Byjingo... Vicar get the Bishop to pour me a pint of no old boy don't worry about me kidneys...I think this may get a little controversial!!!!! what!!! I say !! rather old boy.... TALLYHO!!!! UP AN AT EM!!!!!!!!
21 st Century ? living in a democracy ?
Ohhh!!!! Please who you trying to kid ????????

Byjove where do I start with this one...... Hold on .. let me just check me blood pressure........
Right lets go......
Watched the good old Queens speech, now I am a royalist and I do realise how much the tradition and pomp brings into the country....... but for ya gods sake , with so much stuff going on in this .. the 21st century .. 2008 coming to an end soon, is it not time for all this type of stuff to be put in the history books ?????
what a jolly good show it was ... but hang on ... people out in the streets loosing homes, homeless people ... drug and crime problems ... people loosing jobs (again) ..... NHS , Education , all still in a mess and to make it even worse kids living in poverty in the UK......
Political ? no I'm not going down that road... the political structure of the UK is still in the 18th century.... Laws and traditions .... People voted in to a position to speak on behalf of the rest of us.....
Do they heck!!!!!!!!

byjingo!!!!! one even gets arrested for letting us know how people who should not even be in this country, let alone working are doing so for the government and crown !!!!!!!!!!!!
and this is probably the tip of an ice burg.....

They sit and shout at each other , trying to out do one and other, ye gods what a mess this all is indeed........
another pint please vicar.....
Criminal cases go to courts and people swear on a book to tell the truth ... yet ... the defence are paid to get the criminal off !!!! what!!!! Quick Bishop roll a joint sod the paranoia........
Religious people .... no particular one .... prosecuted for all sorts of sick crimes ......
judges same thing ... caught in the loo with others !!!!!!!!

Why does all this go on year after year ... time after time ....
They promise we will do this and do that....... they do nothing .... lets face .. ain't this the truth????

OK I ain't an educated alien .... no university... no private boarding school .... just a alien off the galaxy trail .....
So if I see these goings on and think well you could do this to stop it or try this.....then why don't the powers who be do it ??????
Many of you ..well OK all three of us ... I bet think the same , or am I the only one who does... I don't think so!!!!!!

the Bishops going to get another breast enlargement done ... the last one went bang and he had that done in a local village clinic in the Amazon jungle but when thing went wrong he then used the NHS to put it all back in place.... I told him ... what a cheek people are waiting for help that have problems with say cancer.... why should you fill a bed just because you wanted bigger breast and got it done cheap... one packet of mints and a couple of quid ... but as soon as a problem ohhh !!! dear me !!! I just nip in to local NHS.........
Just wait till he gets back.... I'm going to burst em again when he sleeps........

And getting back to 21st century a majority believe in gods !!!!!! what!!!!!! ohhh get a life guys...I bet loads have never even read a book!!!!!!!
So if this is the so called 21st century.... don't it make ya laff!!!!!!!
or maybe cry ??????????????

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