Monday 17 November 2008

Byjango...calm down you old trout!!!!!

Takes a deep breath, ahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Missed a post last week old chaps .. I was rather wound up with the news about that poor kid that lost his life to some rather called people , who..are classed as humans!!!!!
I wrote a lot of stuff about it but when re-read had turned myself into a animal who was out to take revenge for the loss of all the other kids also who as we speak are getting the similar treatment and its all going on under our noses.......
It all became rather heavy and in plain language spelt out what should be done..... but anyone reading it already knows what should be done...... and so I shall not be going down that road.......

Another deep breath...Ahhhhhh!!! that's better....
Life on old mother earth don't really change it's the humans living here that create all the troubles..Byjingo sometimes I think ...well thank ya gods I ain't in a ward ain't that bad even if its just all in ya head!!!! what!!! rather old bean.....
Right ... Banks and money ...well well ....everyone takes the cash when it's given to them on a plate even when ya know ya have to pay it back ten times what do the people who run it all say..... well we gave too much away too easy and this free for all of cash suddenly runs dry...and bingo!!!! no cash, no cash flow, no business...... BUSTED!!!!!!!!
Ah but the wise ones now have a plan.... give cash to create spending!!!!!! Hang on a tick byjingo..
is that not how the whole mess started??????????

Crazy ain't it ????
Byjingo I'm still waiting to get my human driving licence back from the powers who be.. no, no, no not a human driving in that car .....
I had to give it up as the old brain seizure I had 12 months ago almost killed me... had all the test done....cant find much...well !!! that's not a surprise is it!!!!
It was not until I did my own research into what happened to me on that day that I found out ...and its common knowledge, apart from the people who should know.. IE doctors, consultants and the guys who dish out all the drugs and medication ...TO MAKE YOU BETTER...
Byjingo ohhhh they made me almost 100% better to the point where I would feel no more pain....
They had changed my medication, well a pain killer and not checked the fact that when taken with other medication that I am on only can be fatal, kill, smoke ya out..put ya lights out!!!!!!
not until I told them and they looked it up....ahhhh!!! yes it could well be that they said....
Oh that's OK then I ain't gonna take that drug again!!!!! er!!!! hold on!!!! it almost killed me, thanks to the good old paramedics they kept me alive........ did anyone say sorry ?

Byjingo me and the NHS I could write a book about all the episodes... from cleaners , cleaning a ward and toilets with the same mop and bucket to the consultant performing an operation , and letting his next in command av a go at this one routine and leaving a small fragment of metal from the forceps they broke inside my kidney..... did I ever sue em ?? no .....
Sue em everyone shouted... byjingo easy for them to say .. they ain't the one who keeps on going in and out of the butchers shop in the first place ....
Me got an axe to grind ? never .... I have found out the hard way since the age of 23 .. now 50..
brittle bones, kidney stones. .... calcification of prostrate....
then you see the endocrinology squad who after years tell you they cant pin point the problem but stay in touch with them so they can monitor the problems ...
All this and more has gone on ...... but at the end of the day, I'm still here that poor kid and many others are not ..... what justice do the victims get ? .... In my eyes I can't see any ... and its a sorry fact of human life that because of no justice it will happen time and time again, sadly.
I hope the next post puts a smile on ya face and not a tear in ya eye for them kids but never forget em guys ;-0

1 comment:

  1. Mothership to Dreadzeps, come in Dreadzeps. Testing, testing, testing, now is the time for all good men to come to the party. Come back good Buddy 10/4


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